Author(s): | Carrithers, Michael |
Title: | Why Humans Have Cultures. Explaining Anthropology and Social Diversity / Michael Carrithers |
Other title: | - |
Expl. Title: | - |
Orig. Title: | - |
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Topics (ro): | intersubiectivitate - anatomia socialitatii - politete; inteligenta tehnica; inteligenta sociala; antropologie sociala; antropologie culturala; evolutie sociala; cultura; antropologie; standarde estetice; creativitate si repetitie; gindire narativa | Subiecte (en): | intersubjectivity - anatomy of sociality - politeness; technical intelligence; social intelligence; social anthropology; cultural anthropology; social evolution; culture; anthropology; aesthetical standards; creativity and repetition; narrative thinking | Reviews: | Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |
Existing copies:
Nr. crt. | Nr. inv. | Vol / Nr / An | Subtitle | Copy status | 1 | R-57 | / / | | In library |
Publisher: | Oxford University Press | Published in: | 1992 | Location: | Oxford | Edition: | - | ISBN: | 0-19-289211-8 | ISSN: | - | Position: | P-CAR | Decimal: | 572:008 | Language: | engleza |
Series: | - | Subseries: | - | Bibliogr: | p. 205-209 | Type: | carte | Pages: | XII, 228 p. | Format: | - | Illustrations: | - |
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