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Author(s):Bank, Jan; Buuren, Maarten van
Title:Dutch Culture in a European Perspective. Volume 3: 1900: The Age of Bourgeois Culture / Jan Bank and Maarten van Buuren; with the collaboration of Marianne Braun and Douwe Draaisma; translated from the Dutch by Lynne Richards and John Rudge
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Expl. Title:-
Orig. Title:1900: Hoogtij van burgerlijke cultuur
Topics (ro):istorie - epoca culturii burgheze - Olanda; istorie religioasa - emanciparea catolicilor dupa 1853 - denominarile protestante; comunitatea evreiasca din Amsterdam; istorie - imperiul colonial olandez - relatiile cu Africa de Sud; istorie culturala - Oland
Subiecte (en):history - age of bourgeois culture - the Netherlands; religious history - emancipation of the Roman Catholics after 1853 - Protestant denominations; Jewish community in Amsterdam; history - Dutch coloniam Empire - relations with South Africa; cultural his
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111896 / / In library
Publisher:Royal Van Gorcum & Palgrave Macmillan
Published in:2004Location:London - New York - AssenEdition:-
ISBN:1-4039-3438-X (PalgrISSN:-Position:H.0a-DCEP (3)
Bibliogr:p. 545-569
Pages:598 p.
Illustrations:ill alb-negru
Colaborator:Marianne Braun
Colaborator:Douwe Draaisma
Traducator:John Rudge
Traducator:Lynne Richards
Cronologie Index Lista ilustratiilor-