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Author(s):Aristotle [ Aristotel, sec. IV i.e.n.]
Title:History of Animals: Books I-III / Aristotle; With an English translation by A. L. Peck
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Topics (ro):filosofie - Aristotel - Grecia antica - sec. IV i.e.n.; zoologie - animale - Aristotel
Subiecte (en):philosophy - Aristotle - ancient Greece - 4th century B.C.; zoology - animals - Aristotle
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111209 / / In library
Publisher:Harvard University Press
Published in:1965Location:Cambridge, MA - LondonEdition:reprinted 2001
ISBN:0-674-99481-7ISSN:-Position:0.12-ARI (9)
Series:The Loeb Classical Library; 437
Subseries:Aristotle IX
Bibliogr:in note
Pages:civ, 240 p.
Fondator serie:James Loeb
Resp. serie:Jeffrey Henderson
Resp. serie:G. P. Goold
Traducator:A. L. Peck