Author(s): | Polignac, François de; Peatfield, Alan; Weight, James C.; Antonaccio, Carla M.; Morgan, Catherine; Osborne, Robin; Coleman Carter, Joseph; Cole, Susan Guettel; Jost, Madeleine; Birge, Darice; Alcock, Susan E. |
Title: | Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece/ Edited by Susan E. Alcock and Robin Osborne |
Other title: | - |
Expl. Title: | - |
Orig. Title: | - |
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Topics (ro): | sacralitate - peisagistica - Grecia - antichitate; istorie antica - arheologie - Grecia; sanctuare - spatiu sacru - Grecia antica; religie - mitologie greaca - sanctuare | Subiecte (en): | sacrality - landscape - Greece - antiquity; ancient history - archaeology - Greece; sanctuaries - sacred space - Ancient Greece; religion - Greek mythology - sanctuaries | Reviews: | Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |
Existing copies:
Nr. crt. | Nr. inv. | Vol / Nr / An | Subtitle | Copy status | 1 | 9913 | / / | | In library |
Publisher: | Clarendon Press | Published in: | 2001 | Location: | Oxford; New York | Edition: | reprinted | ISBN: | 0-19-815060-1 | ISSN: | - | Position: | H.10-ALC | Decimal: | 726.1(38) | Language: | engleza |
Series: | Clarendeon Paperbacks | Subseries: | - | Bibliogr: | in notele de subsol | Type: | carte | Pages: | x, 274p. | Format: | - | Illustrations: | ill, plan., h. |
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