New Europe College

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Author(s):Broad, C. D.; Cook, John W.; Winterbourne, A. T.; Hartz, Glenn A.; Cover, J. A.; McRae, Robert; Chernoff, Fred; Frankel, Lois; Garber, Daniel; Brown, Gregory; [...]
Title:Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Critical Assessments. Volume III: Philosophy of Science, Logic, and Language / Edited by R. S. Woolhouse
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Topics (ro):filosofia limbajului - Leibniz; filosofia stiintei - Leibniz; filosofie - Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716), despre; logica - Leibniz; monism; metafizica speciala - timp - spatiu - Leibniz; miscare - forta
Subiecte (en):philosophy of language - Leibniz; philosophy of science - Leibniz; philosophy - Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716, on; logic - Leibniz; monadism; special metaphysics - time - space - Leibniz; movement - force
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18678 / / In library
Published in:1994Location:London - New YorkEdition:-
ISBN:0-415-03807-3ISSN:0-415-03809-X (set)Position:A.2-LEI-Woo (3)
Decimal:111*Leibniz, G. W.Language:engleza
Series:The Routledge Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers
Bibliogr:la sfirsitul fiecarui articol
Pages:xiv, 510 p.
Editor:R. S. Woolhouse