New Europe College

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Author(s):Erdbeer, Robert Matthias; Haman, Brian; Kyriakidis, Savvas, Trachsel, Alexandra; Tsonkova, Svetlana; Zarrow, Sarah, Ellen
Title:New Europe College Yearbook: 2016-2017: Das Spiel der Emergenz. Aspekte ludischer Fiktion und Narration/ Robert Matthias Erdbeer; Nicht vergangenes, was das Herz noch reut: Exile, Memory, and the Search for Home in Herold Belger's Writings/ Brian Haman; The Mercenary Identity in Byzantium: the Case of Western European Mercenaries/ Savvas Kyriakidis; Being a Severan Author: Claudius Aelianus and Authorial Self-representation in Miscellaneous Compilations/ Alexandra Trachsel; In our World: Human Agency in Medieval and Early Modern Bulgarian Verbal Magic/ Svetlana Tsonkova; Moving Images, Static Lives: Interwar Polish Jewish Documentary Films/ Sarah Ellen Zarrow; [ editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai]
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Topics (ro):apariție - ficțiune ludică - control comun - gestionarea modalităților; literatura ruso-germana - Herold Berger - exil - hibriditate - memorie - Kazakhstan; Bizant - mercenari - armata; Imperiul Roman - Pliniu cel Batran - Aulus Gellius - Clement din
Subiecte (en):emergence - ludic fiction - shared control - modality management; Russian - German literature - Herold Berger - exile - hybridity - memory - Kazakhstan; Byzantium - mercenaries - army; Roman Empire, the - Pliny the Elder - Aulus Gellius - Clement of Alexa
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1P-6224 / / In library
Publisher:New Europe College
Published in:2023Location:BucurestiEdition:-
Pages:191p.: portr
Editor:Vainovski-Mihai Irina