New Europe College

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1. Claudian, Alexandru
Antisemitismul si cauzele lui sociale: Schita sociologica / Alexandru Claudian; studiu introductiv, îngrijire de editie si note Constantin Schifirnet
Albatros, 2000, Bucuresti , (carte) 146 p., ISBN 973-24-077-8
Topics (ro): xenofobie; camata, evrei - biserica crestina - interdictie; ura contra strainului; istoria antisemitismului - crize economice si sociale; antisemitism - cauze sociale; specific evreiesc - sociologie; hitlerism si antisemitism; antisemitism religios
Topics (en): xenophobia; usury, Jews - Christian Church, the - interdiction; hate against aliens/ strangers; history of the anti-Semitism - economic and social crisis; anti-Semitism - social causes; Jewish character - sociology; Hitlerism and anti-Semitism; religious
Position: H.17411-CLA UDC: 323.12:94(=411.16)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Cotofana, Alexandra
Xenophobic mountains: landscape sentience reconsidered in the Romanian Carpathians / Alexandra Cotofana
Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, Cham , (carte) 140p., ISBN 978-3-031-13111-0
Topics (ro): xenofobie - nationalism - fascism - Muntii Carpati; etnologie - Romania - Muntii Carpati
Topics (en): xenophoby - nationalism - fascism - Carpathians, the; ethnology - Romania - Carpathians, the
Position: Vp-COT UDC: 913(498)(23Carpati); 391/397(498)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Council of Europe; Lalumière, Catherine [Ed.]
All different all equal: Europe versus Intolerance: Proceedings of the seminar/ Council of Europe; Catherine Lalumière, Secretary General of the Council of Europe [org.]
Council of Europe Press, 1995, Strasbourg , (carte) , ISBN 92-871-2687-6
Topics (ro): integrare europeana; Uniunea Europeana - toleranta; Europa versus intoleranta; Europa - natiunile - criza progresului; insecuritate si identitate - imigratie si respingere; rasism; xenofobie; antisemitism
Topics (en): European integration; European Union - tolerance; Europe versus intolerance; Europe - nations - crisis of progres; insecurity and identity - immigration and rejection; racism; xenophobia; anti-semitism
Position: H.1741-LAL UDC: 323(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Ferro, Marc [Ed.]; Souyri, Pierre; Rebérioux, Madeleine; Paris, Robert; Benteli, Marianne; Ory, Pascal; Margarido, Alfredo; Rodinson, Maxime
Comprendre les idées du XXe siècle/ Sous la direction de Marc Ferro
Marabout, 1977, Verviers , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): ideologii - sec.XX; idei politice - sec. XX; capitalism; socialism - marxism; fascism; anarhism; regim parlamentar - forme; natiune - nationalitati; rasism - xenofobie - etnism; decolonizare; reforme agrare
Topics (en): ideologies - 20th c.; political ideas - 20th c.; capitalism; socialism - Marxism; fascism; anrchism; parlamentary regime - forms; nation - nationalities; racism - xenophobia - ethnicism; decolonization; agrarian reforms
Position: Ja.40-FER UDC: 32.01"1871/1971"(09)
Series: Marabout Université; 284

5. Geary, Patrick J.
The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe / Patrick J. Geary
Princeton University Press, 2001, Princeton and Oxford , (carte) x, 200 p., ISBN 0-691-09054-8 (hbk)
Topics (ro): Europa - relatii etnice - istorie; Roma - granite - istorie; nationalism - Europa - istorie - sec. XIX; imigranti - Europa; Roma - istorie - invaziile germane, sec. III-VI; xenofobie - Europa; Europa - relatii rasiale
Topics (en): Europe - ethnic relations - history; Rome - boundaries - history; nationalism - Europe - history - 19th century; immigrants - Europe; Rome - history - Germanic Invasions, 3rd-6th centuries; xenophobia - Europa; Europe - race relations
Position: H.174-GEA UDC: 323.1(100)(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Heller, Henry
Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth-Century France/ Henry Heller
University of Toronto Press, 2003, Toronto, Buffalo, London , (carte) xi, 307p., ISBN 0-8020-3689-9
Topics (ro): italieni - Franta - istorie - secolul XVI; xenofobie - Franta - istorie - sec.XVI; nationalism francez - anti-italianism - sec.XVI
Topics (en): Italians - France - history - 16th c.; xenophobia - France - history - 16th c.; French nationalism - anti-Italianism - 16th c.
Position: H.16-HEL UDC: 94(44)"15"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Pajnik, Mojca; Kuzmanic, Tonci A.; Zagar, Igor Z.; Jalusic, Vlasta; Marczewska-Rytko, Maria; Kokshina, Tanya; Verkhovsky, Alexander; Laubeova, Laura
Xenophobia and Post-Socialism / Edited by Mojca Pajnik
Peace Institute, 2002, Ljubljana , (carte) 144 p., ISBN 961-6455-02-8
Topics (ro): politica - nationalism - xenofobie; postsocialism - rasism; xenofobie - Slovenia - cetatenie - identitate nationala; nationalism - xenofobie - biserica ortodoxa rusa, rol nationalist - Rusia contemporana; Uniunea Europeana - legislatie antirasista
Topics (en): politics - nationalism - xenophobia; post-socialism - racism; xenophobia - Slovenia - citizenship - national identity; nationalism - xenophobia - Russian Orthodox Church, nationalist role - contemporary Russia; European Union - anti-racial legislation
Position: H.174-PAJ UDC: 323.1(497.4)
Series: Edition Politike. Sub-edition Politike symposion
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC