New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. *
Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, numéro 16, automne 1977: Écrire la psychanalyse/ Direction: J.-B. Pontalis; Rédaction: François Gantheret, Michel Gribinski, Laurence Kahn
Gallimard N.R.F., 1994, Paris , (periodic) 264p., ISBN 2-07-029657
Topics (ro): psihanaliza; scriere - psihanaliza; transcriere; imagine - text - gindire; scriere - sex - bisexualitate
Topics (en): -
Position: periodic UDC: 159.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Photeinos, Dionysios [1777-1821]
Anastasimatarion Neon/ Anastasimatarion Neon; Epimelia, Prologos, Scholia apo ton Nicolae Gheorghita, mousikologo
Hiera Kalubi "Evangelismos tis Theotokou"; Hiera Skiti Hagiou Dimitriou-Lakkou, 2009, Hagion Oros [ Sfântul Munte] , (carte) xxxii, 190p.
Topics (ro): muzica liturgica - cintare bizantina - notatie bizantina medie, transcriere, formula; anastasimatar; anastasimatar - Petros Lampadarios - Mihalache Moldoveanul - sec.XVIII-XIX; stihare românesti - notatie bizantina medie - notatie chrysantina; cintare bi
Topics (en): liturgical music - Byzantine chant - Middle Byzantine notation, transcription, formula; anastasimatarion; anastasimatarion - Petros Lampadarios - Mihalache the Moldavian - 18th and 19th centuries.; Romanian stichera - Middle-Byzantine notation - Chrysanth
Position: B-GHEO (5) UDC: 783