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1. *
The Myth and Ritual Theory: An Anthology / edited by Robert A. Segal
Blackwell Publishers, 1998, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) x, 474 p., ISBN 0-631-20680-9
Topics (ro): mitul si teoria ritualului - eseuri; mitologie clasica - ritualuri - tragedia greaca; mit - psihologie primitiva; mitologie - literatura; mitul-ritual - teorie
Topics (en): myth and the theory of ritual - essays; classic mythology - rituals - Greek tragedy/ Greek tragic drama; myth - primitive psychology; mythology - literature; ritual myth - theory
Position: G.1h-SEG UDC: 292.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Baden, Hans Jürgen [ teolog evanghelic german, 1911-1986]
Das Tragische: Die Erkenntnisse der griechischen Tragödie/ Hans Jürgen Baden
Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1948, Berlin , (carte) 152p.
Topics (ro): estetica - tragicul - tragedia greaca; tragismul deciziei; elementele tragicului - vina - suferinta - hybrisul - puterea - erosul - moartea - omenescul; tragism si credinta; existenta tragica
Topics (en): aesthetics - tragic - Greek tragedy; tragic decision; tragic elements - guilt - suffering - Hybris - power - eros - death - humanity; tragedy and faith; tragic existence
Position: MT/A-3234 UDC: 118.85: 821.14-2

3. Burian, Peter; Cartledge, Paul; Easterling, Pat; Goldhill, Simon; Hall, Edith; Macintosh, Fiona; Taplin, Oliver
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy / Edited by P. E. Easterling
Cambridge University Press, 1997, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xviii, 392 p., ISBN 0-521-42351-1 (pbk)
Topics (ro): literatura clasica - drama - tragedia greaca - Grecia antica - istorie si critica literara; teatru - Grecia antica - istorie literara
Topics (en): classical literature - drama - Greek tragedy/ Greek tragic drama - Ancient Greece - literary history and criticism; theatre - Ancient Greece - literary history
Position: T.2-EAS UDC: 82.09-3(38)
Series: Cambridge Companions to Literature
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Clément, Bruno
Tragedia clasica/ Bruno Clément; Traducere de Georgeta Loghin
Institutul European, 2000, Iasi , (carte) 115p., ISBN 973-611-137-7
Topics (ro): tragedia clasica; tragic si tragedie - clasic si clasicism; spectacol tragic
Topics (en): classical tragedy; tragic and tragedy - classic and classicism; tragic performance
Position: T.2-CLE UDC: 82.09-2
Series: Seria MEMO; 37. Litere
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Diller, Hans [1905-1977]
Die Bakchen und ihre Stellung im Spätwerk des Euripides/ von Hans Diller
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, 1955, Mainz; Wiesbaden , (carte) pp.453-472
Topics (ro): literatura greaca antica - tragedia greaca - Euripides (ca. 485-406 i.e.n.); piriul - opera tirzie a lui Euripide
Topics (en): ancient Greek literature - Greek tragedy - Euripides (ca. 485-406 BC); the small river - the late Euripides
Position: DS/T-54 UDC: 821.14-2Euripide
Series: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlich

6. Freidenberg, Olga, 1890-1955
Image and Concept: Mythopoetic Roots of Literature / Olga Freidenberg; Edited and Annotated by Nina Braginskaia and Kevin Moss; Translated from the Russian by Kevin Moss; Foreword by Vyacheslav V. Ivanov
Routledge, 1997, London and New York , (carte) xviii, 492 p., ISBN 90-5702-507-8
Topics (ro): critica literara - Uniunea Sovietica; literatura - drama - tragedie - Grecia antica - origine; literatura si folclor; literatura dramatica - metafora - narativitate - filosofie; tragedia greaca - estetica
Topics (en): literary criticism - Soviet Union; literature - drama - tragedy - ancient Greece - origin; literature and folklore; dramatic literature - metaphor - narrative - philosophy; Greek tragedy - aesthetics
Position: T.2-FRE UDC: 82.09
Series: Sign/Text/Culture: Studies in Slavic and Comparative Semiotics; 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Girard, Jules [ elenist francez, 1825-1902]
Le sentiment religieux en Grèce d'Homère à Eschyle: étudié dans son développement moral et dans son caractère dramatique/ par Jules Girard
Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, 1869, Paris , (carte) 553p.
Topics (ro): sentimentul religios - Grecia antica - de la Homer la Eschil; tragedia greaca - sentiment religios; epopeea greaca - sentiment religios; religia greaca si literatura greaca
Topics (en): Religious feeling - ancient Greece - from Homer to Eschil; Greek tragedy - religious feeling; Greek epopee - religious feeling; Greek religion and Greek literature
Position: MT/B-579 UDC: 292

8. Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843)
Remarques sur Oedipe. Remarques sur Antigone/ Hölderlin; précédé de "Hölderlin et Sophocle" par Jean Beaufret; Traduction et notes par François Fédier
Union Générale d'Éditions, 1965, Paris , (carte) 191p.
Topics (ro): Oedip - critica si interpretare; literatura greaca clasica - tragedia greaca - Sofocle; literatura germana - sec.XVIII-XIX - Hölderlin, Fr.; Antigona - critica si interpretare
Topics (en): Oedipus - criticism and interpretation; classical Greek literature - Greek tragedy/ Greek tragic drama - Sofocle; German literature, the - 18th-19th century - Hölderlin, Fr.; Antigone - criticism and interpretation
Position: AS/M-112 UDC: 821.112.2"17/18"Hölderlin, Fr.
Series: Bibliothèque 10/18

9. Lacan, Jacques (1901-1981)
Le Séminaire, Livre VIII: Le transfert (1960-1961) / Jacques Lacan; Texte établi par Jacques-Alain Miller
Éditions du Seuil, 2001, Paris , (carte) 474 p., ISBN 2-02-049524-4
Topics (ro): psihanaliza - Lacan, Jacques (1901-1981) - Franta; psihanaliza - transfer; psihanaliza - sexualitate - dragoste - tragedia greaca; dialectica castrarii - dorinta sexuala - complexul lui Oedip
Topics (en): -
Position: Da.2-LACAN (8) UDC: 159.964.2*Lacan, J.
Series: Champ Freudien
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Lukacs, Georg [1885-1971]
Faust und Faustus: Vom Drama der Menschengattung zur Tragödie der modernen Kunst/ Georg Lukacs
Rowohlt, 968, Hamburg , (carte) 328, [4]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Lukacs, Georg - sec.XX; Goethe - Faust; Thomas Mann - tragedia artei moderne
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Lukacs, Georg - 20th c.; Goethe - Faust; Thomas Mann - tragedy of modern arts
Position: MT/A-2289 UDC: 14*Lukacs, Georg
Series: Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopädie; 285-287

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