New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 5 (total 5 t: a: ).

1. Barbault, André [n. 1921]
Connaissance de l'Astrologie/ André Barbault
Éditions du Seuil, 1981, Paris , (carte) 190p., ISBN 2-02-005905-3
Topics (ro): ocultism; ezoterism; divinatie - astrologie; traditia astrologica - cerul astrologic - cheia psihanalitica; determinism - liber arbitru; pictura - cele patru elemente; temperamente picturale
Topics (en): occultism; esotericism; divination - Astrology; astrological tradition - astrological sky - the psychoanalytic key; determinism - free will; painting - the four elements; pictorial temperaments
Position: MT/A-3380 UDC: 133
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Kretschmer, Ernest [ psihiatru german, 1888-1964]
La structure du corps et le caractère: Recherches sur le problème de la constitution et la science des tempéraments/ Ernest Kretschmer; Traduit d'après la 6e éd. allemande par le Dr. Jankélévitch
Payot, 1930, Paris , (carte) 255p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - teoria temperamentelor - structura corpului - caracterul
Topics (en): psychology - theory of temperaments - body structure - character
Position: MT/A-3646 UDC: 159.9

3. Lipps, Theodor [ filosof si psiholog german, reprezentant al psihologismului german, 1851-1914]
Leitfaden der Psychologie/ von Theodor LIpps
Verlag von Wilheolm Engelmann, 1903, Leipzig , (carte) ix, 350p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - bazele psihologiei; aperceptia; cunoasterea; vointa; sentimentele; stari psihice; afecte; temperamente; tipuri psihologice; somn - vis - hipnoza; psihopatologie
Topics (en): Psychology - Basic Psychology; apperception; knowledge; will; feelings; mental states; emotions; temperaments; psychological types; sleep - dream - hypnosis; psychopathology
Position: MT/A-3651 UDC: 159.9

4. Vannier, Léon [ medic homeopat francez, 1880-1963]
La Typologie et ses applications thérapeutiques. Les temperaments prototypes et métatypes/ Léon Vannier
Doin éditeurs, 1984, Paris , (carte) 281p., ISBN 2-7040-0452-8
Topics (ro): psihologie; psihiatrie; fizionomie; temperamente - tipuri; temperamente - prototipuri - metatipuri; tipologie - aplicatii terapeutice
Topics (en): psychology; psychiatry; physiognomy; temperaments - types; temperaments - prototypes - meta-types; typology - therapeutic applications
Position: MT/A-3912 UDC: 616.89
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Woodroffe, John (Sir)
Introduction to Tantra Shastra/ by Sir John Woodroffe
Ganesh & Co. (Madras) Private Ltd., 1952, Madras , (carte) 160p.
Topics (ro): tantra - filosofie; filosofie indiana - tantra yoga; putere - Shastra; lumile - Loka; macrocosm - microcosm; virstele; corpul omenesc; temperamente; initiere; virtute - karma; Dharma - Artha - Kama - Moksha; Siddhi
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/D-94 UDC: 294.5