New Europe College

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1. *
Corps écrit: Revue trimestrielle de textes et de critique/ Direction: Béatrice Didier
Presses Universitaires de France, 1982-1984, Paris , (carte) , ISSN 0751-5022
Topics (ro): literatura; estetica; arta; filosofie; istorie; religie - sacralitate; nume - onomastica; tacere
Topics (en): literature; aesthetics; fine arts; philosophy; history; religion - sacrality; name - name day/ onomastics; muteness, silence
Position: AS/P-74 - AS/P-76 UDC: 82+7+1+2

2. *
Bulletin du Centre Protestant d'Etudes/ Rédacteurs responsables: Eric Fuchs et Marc Faessler
Centre Protestant d'Etudes, 1973, Genève , (carte)
Topics (ro): crestinism - protestantism - etica protestanta; Dumnezeu - tacere - parabola - manifestare
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Protestantism - protestant ethics; God - muteness, silence - parable - manisfestation
Position: AS/P-457 UDC: 284

3. Goldammer, Kurt [ 1916-1997]
Die Formenwelt des Religiösen: Grundriss der Systematischen Religionswissenschaft/ Kurt Goldammer
Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1960, Stuttgart , (carte) xxxii, 528p.
Topics (ro): fenomenul religios - universul formelor religioase; natura formelor religioase; religiozitate - evlavie; forme ale religiei - sacralitate; forme sfinte; spatiu sfint; timp sfint; cuvint sfint; tacere sfinta; culoare - numar - forma - imagine; comunitate s
Topics (en): religious phenomenon - universe of religious forms; nature of religious forms; religiosity - piety; forms of religion - sacredness; Holy forms; holy space; holy time; holy word; sacred silence; color - number - shape - image; holy community
Position: MT/B-118 UDC: 291
Series: Kröners Taschanausgabe; Band 264

4. Guitton, Jean [filosof si scriitor francez, 1901-1999]
Silence sur l'essentiel/ Jean Guitton
Desclée de Brouwer, 1986, Paris , (carte) 105p., ISBN 2-220-02622-1
Topics (ro): crestinism - Biserica si lumea moderna; tacerea caritabila; rugaciunea euharistica; ecumenismul; marturia asupra lui Isus; catolicismul - era nucleara
Topics (en): Christianity - Church and the modern world; charitable silence; Eucharistic prayer; ecumenism; testimony of Jesus; Catholicism - nuclear era
Position: MT/B-780 UDC: 22:14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Kelly, Caleb [Ed.]
Sound/ Edited by Caleb Kelly
Whitechapel Gallery; The MIT Press, 2011, London; Cambridge, Massachusetts , (carte) 240p., ISBN 978-0-262-51568-9
Topics (ro): sunetul in arta; arta moderna - sec.XX-XXI; documente de arta contemporana; concepte sonice; zgomot si tacere; ascultatorul - spatiul acustic; artistii si sunetul
Topics (en): sound in art; modern art - 20th-21st c.; documents of contemporary art; concepts of the sonic; noise and silence; listner - acoustic space; artists and sound
Position: U.017/.018-DCA UDC: 7.09.04'07
Series: Documents of Contemporary Art
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Le Breton, David
Despre tacere / David Le Breton; traducere de Constantin Zaharia
ALL Educational, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 296 p., ISBN 973-684-340-8
Topics (ro): tacere - psihanaliza; tacere - abordare antropologica; angoasa tacerii; politici ale tacerii; tacere - filosofie; tacere - confesiuni religioase; tacere - moarte
Topics (en): muteness, silence - psycho-analysis; muteness, silence - anthropological approach; anxiety of silence; policies of silence; muteness, silence - philosophy; muteness, silence - faith ( religion); muteness, silence - death
Position: P-LEB UDC: 159.94:572
Series: Anthropos
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Lubienska de Lenval, Hélène
Le Silence: A l'ombre de la Parole/ par Hélène Lubienska de Lenval
Casterman; Éditions de Maredsous, 1961, Tournai; Paris , (carte) 100p.
Topics (ro): liniste - tacere - disciplina interioara; agitatie interioara - echilibru interior; crestinism - rugaciune - meditatie; rugaciune contemplativa - liturghie
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-253 UDC: 264-069
Series: Bible et vie chrétienne