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1. *
Die Philosophie der Antike. Band 2/1. Sophistik. Sokrates. Sokratik. Mathematik. Medizin / von Klaus Döring, Hellmut Flashar, George B. Kerferd...; herausgegeben von Hellmut Flashar
Schwabe&Co. Verlag, 1998, Basel , (carte) XIV, 540p., ISBN 3-7965-1036-1
Topics (ro): socratica; matematica - filosofie; sofistica; filosofie - Grecia - antichitate; medicina - filosofie
Topics (en): Socratics; mathematics - philosophy; Sophistic; philosophy - Greece - antiquity; medicine - philosophy
Position: A.10-UEB-Ant. (2/1) UDC: 1(38)(09)
Series: Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie /begründet von Friedrich Ueberweg
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Adamut, Antin I.
Seductia ca spatiu al cenzurii/ Anton I. Adamut
Junimea, 2004, Iasi , (carte) 364p., ISBN 973-37-0992-1
Topics (ro): filosofia greaca antica - seductie - educatie - pederastie; maieutica socratica - paideia - paiderasteia; Anselm - situatia anselmiana - intre Marta si Maria; Sappho
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - seduction - education - paederasty; Socratic maieutic - paideia - paiderasteia; Anselm - Anselmian situation - berween Martha and Mary; Sappho
Position: Va.2-ADA UDC: 1(498)@l9"Adamut, Anton I.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Boehm, Gottfried
Begriffe und Bilder: Über die Grenzen sokratischen Fragens/ Gottfried Boehm
B. G. Teubner, 1999, Stuttgart; Leipzig , (extras) pp. 238-250
Topics (ro): filosofia artei - platonism; intrebarea socratica si arta; critica socratica; concept si imagine
Topics (en): philosohy of art - Platonism; the Socratic question and the art; Socratic criticism; concept and image
Position: U.017-BOE UDC: 7.01; 111.85

4. Busse, Adolf [ clasicist german, 1856-1942]
Sokrates der Erzieher/ von Adolf Busse
Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1914, Leipzig , (carte) vi, 248, [6[p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Socrate; Socrate educatorul; Platon; Xenofon; Aristotel; Atena; sofistica; Socrate si comedia; dialectica socratica; teoria virtutii; etica sociala; pietatea
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Socrates; Socrates the educator; Plato; Xenophon; Aristotle; Athens; sophistry; Socrates and comedy; Socratic dialectic; theory of virtue; social ethics; piety
Position: MT/A-2845 UDC: 14*Socrate: 37
Series: Die grossen ErzieherL Ihre persönlichkeit und ihre Susteme; Bd. VII

5. Freeman, Eugene; Appel, David
The Wisdom and Ideas of Plato/ by Eugene Freeman and David Appel
fawcett Publications, Inc., 1962, Greenwich, Conn. , (carte) 160p.
Topics (ro): intelepciunea socratica - intelepciunea platoniciana; filosofie greaca antica - Platon
Topics (en): Socratic wisdom - Platonic wisdom; ancient Greek philosophy - Plato
Position: MT/A-2601 UDC: 14*Platon
Series: A Premier Book

6. Hamann, Johann Georg [ filosof german, 1730-1788]
Sokratische Denkwürdigkeiten. Aesthetica in nuce/ Johann Georg Hamann; Mit einem Kommentar herausgegeben von Sven-Aage Jörgensen
Philipp Reclam jun., 1979, Stuttgart , (carte) 192p., ISBN 3-15-000926-X
Topics (ro): filosofie germana moderna - Hamann, Johann Georg - sec.XVIII; gindire socratica; estetica
Topics (en): modern German philosophy - Hamann, Johann Georg - 18th c.; Socratic thinking; aesthetics
Position: MT/A-1572 UDC: 14*Hamann, Johann Georg
Series: Universal-Bibliothek; 926
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Ledbetter, Grace M., 1965-
Poetics Before Plato: Interpretation and Authority in Early Greek Theories of Poetry/ Grace M. Ledbetter
Princeton University Press, 2003, Princeton and Oxford , (carte) xiii, 128p., ISBN 0-691-09609-0
Topics (ro): poezie greaca - istorie si critica literara; teorie literara - poetica - literatura greaca antica; estetica antica; autoritate in literatura; poetica socratica; poetica homerica
Topics (en): Greek poetry - literary history and criticism; literary theory - poetics - ancient Greek literature; ancient aesthetics; authority in literature; Socratic poetics; Homeric poetics
Position: T.2-LED UDC: 82.0:821.14-1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Long, A. A.
Epictetus: A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life / A. A. Long
Clarendon Press, 2002, Oxford - New York , (carte) xiv, 310 p., ISBN 0-19-924556-8 (hbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie antica - Epictet, 54-68 e.n. - stoicism - Imperiul Roman; etica stoica - Epictet - discursuri - paradigma socratica
Topics (en): ancient philosophy - Epictetus, AD 54-68 - Stoicism - Roman Empire; Stoic ethics - Epictetus - the Discourses - Socratic paradigm
Position: A.2-EPI-Lon UDC: 141*Epictet
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
La naissance de la tragédie / Friedrich Nietzsche; traduction nouvelle et présentation de Cornelius Heim
Éditions Gonthier, 1964, Paris , (carte) 195p.
Topics (ro): Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900 - filosofie - nasterea tragediei - Germania; tragedie graca - aspecte filosofice; cultura socratica - tragedie; misticism dionisiac; drama muzicala - elenism german
Topics (en): Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900 - philosophy - Birth of Tragedy, the - Germany; hellenistic tragedy - philosophical aspects; Socratic culture - tragedy; Dionysian mysticism; musical drama - German Hellenism
Position: MT/A-2399 UDC: 14*Nietzsche, Friedrich
Series: Bibliothèque Médiations; 17

10. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
La naissance de la tragédie / Friedrich Nietzsche; traduit de l'allemand par Geneviève Bianquis
Gallimard NRF, 1983, Paris , (carte) 307p., ISBN 2-07-035210-2
Topics (ro): Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900 - filosofie - nasterea tragediei - Germania; tragedie greaca - aspecte filosofice; cultura socratica - tragedie; misticism dionisiac; drama muzicala - elenism german
Topics (en): Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900 - philosophy - Birth of Tragedy, the - Germany; hellenistic tragedy - philosophical aspects; Socratic culture - tragedy; Dionysian mysticism; musical drama - German Hellenism
Position: MT/A-2403 UDC: 14*Nietzsche, Friedrich
Series: Collection Idées; 210
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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