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1. *
La Recherche: revue mensuelle/ édité par la Société d'éditions scientifiques/ Directeur [1972-79]: Michel Chodckiewicz; Rédacrice en chef: Monique de Mauron-Landolt; Directeur [1979-1985]: Claude Cherki; Directeur général [1992-1999]: Stéphane Khémis; direction scientifique: Gabriel Gachelin [1992]; rédacteur-en-chef: Gérard Chevalier [1999]
Société d'éditions scientifiques, 1972-1999, Paris , (carte) , ISSN 0029-5671
Topics (ro): cercetare stiintifica; stiinte - cercetare; fizica; genetica; chimie; biologie; cancer; matematica; astronomie; sociobiologie; psihiatrie - societate; laser; gauri negre; poluare; fizica cuantica; numere - numerologie
Topics (en): scientific research; sciences - research; physics; genetics; chemistry; biology; cancer; mathematics; astronomy; sociobiology; psychiatry - society; laser; black holes; pollution; quantum physics; numbers - numerology
Position: AS/P-148 - AS/P-165e UDC: 5/6

2. Bannister, Robert C.
Social Darwinism: Science and Myth in Anglo-American Social Thought / Robert C. Bannister; with a new preface
Temple University Press, 1979, Philadelphia , (carte) xxxii, 298 p., ISBN 0-87722-566-4
Topics (ro): sociobiologie - darwinism social - istorie; istorie sociala - evolutionism - biologism - Darwin, Charles
Topics (en): sociobiology - social Darwinism - history; social history - evolutionism - biologism - Darwin, Charles
Position: L.01-BAN UDC: 141.155
Series: American Civilization
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Bouchard, Jacques; Caro, Paul; Champagne, Patrick; Dessus, Benjamin; Desrosières, Alain; Jordan, Bertrand R.; Kahn, Axel; Krige, John; Lebeau, André; Lecourt, Dominique; Naquet, Robert; Papon, Pierre; Plachot, Michelle; Pompidou, Alain; Ruberti, Antonio
Le Savant et le politique aujourd'hui / Colloque de La Villette, 7 juin 1996
Éditions Albin Michel / cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, 1996, Paris , (carte) 210 p., ISBN 2-226-08825-3
Topics (ro): politica - stiinta - savant, rol; politica - relatii - comunistatea stiintifica; genetica si politica; sociobiologie; politica internationala - stiinta - noile tehnologii
Topics (en): politics - science - scientist, role of; politics - relations - scientific community; genetics and politics; sociobiology; international politics - science - new technologies
Position: J.02-THE UDC: 32.009.6
Series: Bibliothèque Albin Michel Idées
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Degler, Carl N.
In Search of Human Nature: The Decline and Revival of Darwinism in American Social Thought / Carl N. Degler
Oxford University Press, 1991, New York - Oxford , (carte) xii, 400 p., ISBN 0-19-506380-5
Topics (ro): stiinta - biologie - evolutionism - darwinism social - SUA - istorie; sociobiologie - istorie; biologie - evolutia speciilor - teoria evolutionista - Darwin, Charles - implicatii sociologice - cu
Topics (en): science - biology - evolutionism - social Darwinism - USA - history; sociobiology - history; biology - evolution of species - evolutionism - Darwin, Charles - sociological implications - culture
Position: B.16-DAR-Deg UDC: 304.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Dickens, Peter
Social Darwinism: Linking Evolutionary Thought to Social Theory / Peter Dickens
Open University Press, 2000, Buckingham - Philadelphia , (carte) x, 136 p., ISBN 0-335-20218-7 (pbk)
Topics (ro): sociobiologie - darwinism social - evolutionism; sociologie contemporana - evolutionism; darwinism social - noi forme - natura umana
Topics (en): -
Position: L.01-DIC UDC: 301
Series: Concepts in the Social Sciences
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Vogler, Paul [Eds.]; Bachmann, R; Novak, P.; Peters, H.M.; Remane, A.; Schaefer, H.; Schindewolf, O.H.; Sollberger, A.; [...]
Neue Anthropologie, Band 1:Biologische Anthropologie, Erster Teil/ herausgegeben von Hans-Georg Gadamer u. Paul Vogler; Beiträge von: R. Bachmann, H.-G. Gadamer, P. Novak, H.M. Peters, A. Remane, H. Schaefer, O.H. Schindewolf, A. Sollberger, K. Steinbuch, St. Vogel, P. Vogler
Georg Thieme Verlag; Deutscher Tschenbuch Verlag, 1972, Stuttgart; München , (carte) xxxvii, 370p., ISBN 3-13-476101-7
Topics (ro): antropologie biologica; antropologie - biofizica; ritm biologic; teoria evolutiei; darwinism - sociobiologie
Topics (en): biological anthropology; anthropology - biophysics; biological rhythm; theory of evolution; Darwinism - sociobiology
Position: P-GAD (1) UDC: 572
Series: Flexibles Taschenbuch Anthrop
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Grassé, Pierre P.
L'homme en accusation: De la biologie à la politique/ Pierre P. Grassé
Editions Albin Michel, 1980, Paris , (carte) 354p., ISBN 2-226-01054-8
Topics (ro): biologie - politica; biologie - filosofie - darwinism; darwinism - sisteme politice; sociobiologie - USA; natura umana; sociabilitate - sociobiologie - fenomene sociale
Topics (en): biology - politics; biology - philosophy - Darwinism; Darwinism - political sistems; sociobiology - USA; human nature; sociability - sociobiology - social phenomena
Position: B.17b-GRA UDC: 57:32.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Graves, Joseph L., jr.
The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium / Joseph L. Graves jr.
Rutgers University Press, 2001, New Brunswick - New Jersey - London , (carte) x, 252 p., ISBN 0-8135-2847-X
Topics (ro): sociobiologie - darwinism social; antropologie fizica - rasa - biologie - darwinism social; antropologie - rasa - rasism; rasism in antropologie
Topics (en): sociobiology - social Darwinism; physical anthropology - race - biology - social Darwinism; anthropology - race - racism; racism in anthropology
Position: P-GRA UDC: 572
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Haraway, Donna
Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science / Donna Haraway
Routledge, 1989, New York - London , (carte) x, 486 p., ISBN 0-415-90294-0
Topics (ro): antropologie biologica - primate; primate - cercetare - istorie; feminism; sociobiologie - primate; paleoantropologie - sex - gen
Topics (en): biological anthropology - Primates; primates - research - history; feminism; sociobiology - primates; paleoanthropology - sex - gender
Position: P-HAR UDC: 599.8
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Haraway, Donna J.
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature/ Donna J. Haraway
Routledge, 1991, New York, London , (carte) 292p., ISBN 0-415-90387-4
Topics (ro): sociobiologie; feminism - critica feminista; primate - comportament; comportament uman; fiziologia politica a dominatiei; gen; biopolitica - corp postmodern
Topics (en): sociobiology; feminism - feminist criticism; primates - behavior; human behavior; political physiology of domination; gender; biopolitics - postmodern body
Position: B.17b-HAR UDC: 304.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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