New Europe College

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1. Griffin, Roger
The Nature of Fascism / Roger Griffin
Routledge, 1993, London and New York , (carte) XVI, 250 p., ISBN 0-415-09661-8
Topics (ro): istorie politica - fascim - Europa; teorie politica - fascism; fascism - Italia; fascism - Germania - determinante socio-politice
Topics (en): political history - fascism - Europe; political theory - fascism; fascism - Italy; fascism - Germany - socio-political determinants
Position: H.1712-GRI UDC: 321.74
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Magureanu, Virgil
Studii de sociologie politica/ Virgil Magureanu
Editura Albatros, 1997, Bucuresti , (carte) 416p., ISBN 973-24-0494-9
Topics (ro): sociologie politica; cultura politica; sociologie - putere politica; socio-politica - stat; sistem politic; relatii politice - putere politica; ideologie politica; partide politice; politica - tranzitie
Topics (en): -
Position: Vj.13-MAG UDC: 32:30
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Pavel, Teodor [coordonator]; Reifowitz, Ian; Simon, Alexandru; Styefan, Florin; Blackbum, Christopher; Milin, Miodrag; Semeniuc, Ioan; Miculaiciuc, Helena; Stergar, Rok; Balog, Iosif Marin; [...]
Optiuni politice la popoarele central-est europene in secolul al XIX-lea = Political Options of the Central-Eastern European Peoples in the 19th Century/ Teodor Pavel, coordonator
Argonaut, 2006, Cluj-Napoca , (carte) 318p., ISBN 973-7710-91-6
Topics (ro): democratie - gindire socio-politica româneasca - 1840-1890; politica - ideologii - zona central-est europeana - sec.XIX; optiuni politice - popoare central-est europene - sec.XIX
Topics (en): democracy - Romanian socio-political thought - 1840-1890; politics - ideologies - Central-Eastern European area - 19th c.; political options - Central-Eastern European peoples - 19th c.
Position: J.163-PAV UDC: 329(4-11)18
Series: Documente-Istorie-Marturii
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Serres, Michel
Les origines de la géométrie: Tiers livre des fondations/ Michel Serres
Flammarion, 1993, Paris , (carte) 341p., ISBN 2-08-211554-2
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Franta; geometrie - origini; istoria stiintelor - stiinta istoriei; Anaximandru; Thales; Pitagora; Zenon; algoritm; element; automatica; socio-politica; Herodot
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - France; geometry - origins; history of sciences - history, science; Anaximander; Thales; Pythagoras (c582-c500 B.C.); Zeno; algorithm; element; automation; socio-politics; Herodotus
Position: AS/R-287 UDC: 14(44)"19"Serres,Michel
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Trigano, Shmuel
La nouvelle question juive: L'avenir d'un espoir/ Shmuel Trigano
Gallimard NRF, 1979, Paris , (carte) 320p.
Topics (ro): iudaism; evrei - istorie; sionism; profetism; normalitate - alteritate; mesianism istoric; evrei - socio-politica
Topics (en): Judaism; Jews, the - history; Zionism; prophetism; normality - otherness; historical Messianism; Jews, the - socio-politics
Position: AS/B-25 UDC: 296
Series: Idées;405