Antihristul / texte traduse din Vladimir Soloviov, G. P. Fedotov, A. Mateina, Boris Molceanov, S. N. Bulgakov; studiu introductiv de Toader Paleologu; traducere de Radu Parpauta
Polirom, 2000, Iasi
, (carte) 216 p., ISBN 973-683-429-8
Topics (ro): Epistola a Doua catre Tesaloniceni a Sf. Apostol Pavel; apocalipsa lui Ioan (text); Intiia epistola soborniceasca a Sfintului Apostol Ioan; religie - exegeza biblica; Antichrist - binele antichristic Topics (en): The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians; Revelation of St. John the Divine (text); The First Epistle General of John; religion - Biblical exegesis; Antichrist, the - Antichristian good, the | | Position: G.1r0b.1-PAL
UDC: 236.92
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