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1. *
Music, Gestalt, and Computing: Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology / Marc Leman (ed.); reading committee: A. Camurri, J. Louhivouri, R. Parncutt, [...]; with the support from: European Union, Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, International Society for Systematic and Comparative Musicology
Springer Verlag, 1997, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York , (carte) x, 526 p., ISBN 3-540-63526-2
Topics (ro): muzicologie sistematica; stiinte cognitive - computerizarea muzicii; muzicologie - muzica pe computer; stiintele computerului - interactivitate - expresie muzicala
Topics (en): systematic musicology; cognitive sciences - music computing; musicology - computer music; computer sciences - interactivity - musical expression
Position: Uf-LEM UDC: 781:681.3
Series: Lecture notes in computer science; 1317
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Gegen die Gottvergessenheit: Schweizer Theologen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/ hrsg. von Stephan Leimgruber und Max Schoch
Herder, 1990, Basel; Freiburg; Wien , (carte) 688p., ISBN 3-451-21986-7
Topics (ro): ecumenism; teologie sistematica evanghelica - teologie sistematica - romano-catolica; Biserica - societate - sec.XIX-XX; Biserica evanghelica reformata - Elvetia; crestinism - protestantism - teologie - sec.XIX-XX; credinta - stiinta
Topics (en): ecumenism; evangelical systhematic theology - systemtic theology - Romano-Catholic; Church, the - society - 19th-20th centuries, the; Reformed Evangelical Church - Switzerland; Christianity / Christianism - Protestantism - theology - 19th-20th centuries,
Position: EB-54 UDC: 23:283/284
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Cornils, Martin
Theologie: Einführung in ihre Geschichte, ihre Ergebnisse und Probleme/ Von Martin Cornils
Druck u. Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1911, Leipzig , (carte) iv, 175p.
Topics (ro): teologie - istoria teologiei; teologie - Biserica greaca; teologie - Biserica occidentala latina; teologie sistematica; dogmatica; etica crestina
Topics (en): theology - the history of theology; theology - the Greek Church; theology - Western Latin Church; systematic theology; dogmatic; Christian ethics
Position: MT/B-921 UDC: 28
Series: Aus Natur und Geisteswelt; 347. Bändchen

4. Delahoutre, Michel
Les Sikhs / Michel Delahoutre
Éditions Brepols, 1989, Turnhout , (carte) 240 p. + 8 pl., ISBN 2-503-50031-5
Topics (ro): siism - arta sacra siita; religie indiana - siism - teologie sistematica - monoteism; siism - India
Topics (en): Shiism - Shiit sacred art; Indian religion - Shiism - systemtic theology - monotheism; Shiism - India
Position: G.1d2-DEL UDC: 294.5
Series: Fils d'Abraham
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Dilthey, Wilhelm; Riehl, Alois; Wundt, Wilhelm; Ostwald, Wilhelm; Ebbinghaus, Hermann; Eucken, Rudolf; Paulsen, Friedrich; Münch, Wilhelm; Lipps, Theodor
Systematische Philosophie / von W. Dilthey, A. Riehl, W. Wundt, W. Ostwald, H. Ebbinghaus, R. Eucken, Fr. Paulsen, W. Münch, Th. Lipps
Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1907, Berlin und Leipzig , (carte) viii, 432 p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - Ebbinghaus; filosofia naturii - Ostwald, W.; metafizica - Wundt, W.; logica si teoria cunoasterii - Riehl, Alois; filosofie sistematica - Dilthey, W.; filosofia istoriei - Eucken; etica - Paulsen; estetica - Lipps; pedagogie - Münch
Topics (en): psychology - Ebbinghaus; philosophy of nature - Ostwald, W.; metaphysics - Wundt, W.; logic and theory of knowledge - Riehl, Alois; systematic philosophy - Dilthey, W.; philosophy of history - Eucken; ethics - Paulsen; aesthetics - Lipps; pedagogy - Münc
Position: A.2-DIL UDC: 1(045)
Series: Die Kultur der Gegenwart; Teil 1 Abteilung VI

6. Fulda, Hans Friedrich; Stolzenberg, Joseph [Hgs.]; Baum, Manfred; König, Peter; Zöller, Günter; Ameriks, Karl; Thöle, Bernhard; Fürster, Eckart; [...]
Architektonik und System in der Philosophie Kants/ Herausgegeben von Hans Friedrich Fulda und Jürgen Stolzenberg
Felix Meiner Verlag, 2001, Hamburg , (carte) x, 417p., ISBN 3-7873-1586-1
Topics (ro): filosofie - Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 - Germania; idealism transcendental - Kant, Immanuel; filosofie sistematica - Kant, Immanuel
Topics (en): philosophy - Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 - Germany; transcendental idealism - Kant, Immanuel; systematic philosophy - Kant, Immanuel
Position: A.2-KAN-Ful UDC: 14*Kant, Immanuel
Series: System der Vernunft: KAnt und der deutsche Idealismus; Bd.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Hartmann, Nicolai [ Nikolajs Hartmanis, 1882-1950]
Kleinere Schriften, Band I: Abhandlungen zur Systematischen Philosophie/ von Nicolai Hartmann; Vorwort: Frida Hartmann
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1955, Berlin , (carte) 318p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Hartmann, Nicolai - inceputul sec.XX; ontologie - categorii; temporalitate; substantialitate; etica; personalitate - ethos; filosofie sistematica
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Hartmann, Nicolai - early 20th c.; ontology - categories; temporality; substantiality; ethics; personality - ethos; systematic Philosophy
Position: MT/A-1586 UDC: 14*Hartmann, Nicolai

8. Hartmann, Nicolai [ Nikolajs Hartmanis, 1882-1950]
Systematische Selbstdarstellung/ Nicolai Hartmann
Junker & Dünnhaupt, 1933, Berlin , (carte) 60p.
Topics (ro): filosofie sistematica; gindire si sistem; filosofie contemporana - Hartmann, Nicolai - sec.XX
Topics (en): systematic philosophy; thinking and system; contemporary philosophy - Hartmann, Nicolai - 20th century
Position: MT/A-3784 UDC: 14*Hartmann, Nicolai

9. Höfler, Alois [ filosof austriac, 1853-1922]
Grundlehren der Logik/ von Alois Höfler
Verlag von F. Tempsky, 1904, Wien , (carte) vi, 181p.
Topics (ro): logica; judecatile logicii; euristica; sistematica
Topics (en): logic; logic judgments; heuristics; systematic
Position: MT/A-3120 UDC: 16

10. Honecker, Martin [ filosof german, 1888-1941]
Logik: Eine Systematik der logischen Probleme/ von Martin Honecker
Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1927, Berlin und Bonn , (carte) 194, [6]p.
Topics (ro): logica - problemele logicii - sistematica
Topics (en): logic - logic problems - systematic
Position: MT/A-3099 UDC: 16
Series: Leitfäden der Philosophie

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