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1. *
Rewriting the Self: Histories from the Renaissance to the Present/ Edited by Roy Porter
Routledge, 1997, London and New York , (carte) XII, 284 p., ISBN 0-415-14280-6
Topics (ro): literatura - sinele - istorie; filosofie - sinele - istorie; sine - filosofie - identitate; sine - psihologie
Topics (en): literature - the self - history; philosophy - the self - history; the self - philosophy - identity; the self - psychology
Position: Sg-POR; BCSC; Relink UDC: 159.9:821
Series: Cultural History/ History of Ideas
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Reconstructing Individualism: Autonomy, Individuality, and the Self in Western Thought/ Edited by Thomas C. Heller, Morton Sosna, and David E. Wellbery; with Arnold I. Davidson, Ann Swidler, and Ian Watt
Stanford University Press, 1988, Stanford, California , (carte) XIV, 368p., ISBN 0-8047-1291-3
Topics (ro): psihologie - individualism; individualitate; sine - filosofie - Occident
Topics (en): psychology - individualism; individuality; the self - philosophy - West, the
Position: Sg-HEL UDC: 159.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Concepts of Person in Religion and Thought/ Edited by Hans G. Kippenberg, Yme B. Kuiper, Andy F. Sanders
Mouton de Gruyter, 1990, Berlin, New York , (carte) IX, 410p., ISBN 3-11-012159-X
Topics (ro): religie - Sine; filosofie - Sine; persoana - religie - filosofie
Topics (en): religion - the self; philosophy - the self; person - religion - philosophy
Position: G.0-KIPP UDC: 291.1
Series: Religion and Reason; 37
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Reading Parfit / Edited by Jonathan Dancy
Blackwell Publishers, 1997, Oxford , (carte) VIII, 352 p., ISBN 0-631-19726-5
Topics (ro): Parfit, Derek - 'Reasons and Persons'; etica; rationalism; filosofie - sinele; egoismul rational - persoana; identitate - Parfit, Derek - filosofie morala
Topics (en): Parfit, Derek - Reasons and Persons; ethics; rationalism; philosophy - the self; rational egoism, selfishness - person; identity - Parfit, Derek - moral philosophy
Position: Ab.2-PAR-Dan UDC: 171:159.923
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Einsamkeit/ Hersg. von Aleida und Jan Assmann
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2000, München , (carte) 319p., ISBN 3-7705-3401-8
Topics (ro): solitudine - comunicare - dialog; literatura - solitudine; solitudine - asceza; sinele - solitudine
Topics (en): -
Position: T.2-ASS (6) UDC: 821.07/.08+22.06
Series: Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation; VI
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
The Multiple Self/ Edited by Jon Elster
Cambridge University Press, 1989, New York; Port Chester; Melbourne; Sydney , (carte) 269p., ISBN 0-521-34683-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - sinele; autodezamagire; filosofie - decizie
Topics (en): philosophy - the self; self-disappointment; philosophy - decision
Position: L.01-ELS UDC: 162
Series: Studies in Rationality and Social Change
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Les interrogations contemporaines: Matériaux pour un enseignement / sous la direction de Christian Delacampagne et Robert Maggiori
Fayard, 1980, Paris , (carte) 534 p., ISBN 2-213-00844-2
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - probleme si interogatii; existentialism - omul; formarea sinelui - psihanaliza; celalalt - filosofie; dorinta si corp; spatiu si timp; memorie si imaginatie; semn si simbol; limba si expresie; constiinta si inconstient; morala
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - problems and interrogations; existentialism - man, the; self building - psycho-analysis; otherness - philosophy; desire and body; space and time; memory and imagination; sign and symbol; language and expression; consciousness and
Position: AS/R-4 UDC: 111"19"
Series: Philosopher
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Cahiers Jungiens de psychanalyse: Numéro 74, 3e trimestre 1992: Images et transformation / [editori]: Simone Clausse et Viviane Thibaudier
Imprimerie Jacques & Demontrond, 1992, Paris , (carte) 88 p., ISSN 0984-8215
Topics (ro): psihanaliza - C. G. Jung; imagini si transformare - psihanaliza jungiana; psihanaliza - sine, fantasme si mit; feminitate - psihanaliza jungiana; C. G. Jung - dubla perspectiva
Topics (en): psycho-analysis - Jung, C. G.; images and transformation - Jungian psycho-analysis; psycho-analysis - Self, delusive pictures and myth; feminity, womanhood - Jungian psycho-analysis; Jung, C. G. - double perspective, the
Position: AS/T-29 UDC: 159.964.2*Jung, C.G.

9. *
Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, numéro 13, printemps 1976: Narcisses/ Direction: J.-B. Pontalis; Rédaction: Didier Anzieu, André Green, Jean Pouillon, etc.
Gallimard N.R.F., 1976, Paris , (carte) 318p.
Topics (ro): psihanaliza; narcisism - Plotin; sinele; identitate primara; narcisism patologic; idol - ideal; handicap fizic - prejudiciu - exceptie; Narcis - Oedip
Topics (en): psycho-analysis; narcissism, self-love - Plotinus; the self; primary identity; pathological narcissism; idol - ideal; physical handicap, physical hindrance - prejudice - exception; Narcis - Oedip
Position: AS/T-60 UDC: 159.9

10. *
Tripura Rahasya or The Mystery beyond the Trinity/ translated by Swami Sri Ramanananda Saraswathi; Published by T.N. Venkataraman
Sri Ramanasramam, 1989, Tiruvannamalai , (carte) xi, 258p.
Topics (ro): filosofie indiana - advaita (scoala vedica) - Vedanta - hinduism; filosofie hinduista - sinele; eul
Topics (en): Indian philosophy - Advaita, Vedantic schools - Vedanta - Hinduism; Hindu philosophy - the self; ego, the
Position: AS/D-43 UDC: 294:1(34)

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