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1. Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961)
Syncronicité et Paracelsica/ Carl Gustav Jung; Traduit de l'allemand par Claude Maillard et Christine Pflieger-Maillard: edition française sous la direction de Michel Cazenave
Albin Michel, 1988, Paris , (carte) 352p., ISBN 2-226-02820-X
Topics (ro): psihanaliza - Jung, C.G. ,1875-1961; psihologie analitica - Jung, C.G., 1875-1961; ; sincronicitatea; studii despre Paracelsius; astrologie; parapsihologie; Yi King
Topics (en): psycho-analysis - Jung, C.G., 1875-1961; analytic psychology - Jung, C.G., 1875-1961; ; synchronicity; Paracelsus studies; astrology; parapsychology; Yi King
Position: MT/A-3836 UDC: 159.9*Jung, C. G.
Series: Oeuvres inédites de C. G. Jung aux Éditions Albin Michel
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Portmann, Adolf; Ritsema, Rudolf [Eds.]; Scholem, Gershom; Dronke, Peter; Corbin, Henry; Sambursky, Schmuel; Huyghe, René; Benz, Ernst; Rowe, Christopher; Zahan, Dominique; Riedl, Peter Anselm; Izutsu, Toshihiko
Eranos-Jahrbuch: [Jahrbuch der Eranos-Tagungen in Ascona], Bd. 42 (1973): Die Welt der Entsprechungen/ Herausgeber: Adolf Portmann, Rudolf Ritsema = Eranos Yearbook: [ Yearbook of Eranos Conferences in Ascona], Volume 42 (1973): Correspondences in Man and World/ Editors: Adolf Portmann, Rudolf Ritsema = Eranos Annales: [Annales des Sessions d'Eranos], Tome 42 (1973): Le monde des correspondances/ Éditeurs: Adolf Portmann, Rudolf Ritsema
E.J. Brill, 1975, Leiden , (anuar) x, 653p., ISBN 90-04-04354-3
Topics (ro): congresele Eranos - anuar; istoria religiilor - corespondente in om si lume; sincronicitate - cauzalitate - parapsihologie; natura si spirit - Shakespeare; corespondente intre lumi; visul - lumea subterana
Topics (en): Eranos congresses - yearbook; history of religions - correspondences in man and world; syncronicity - causality - parapsychology; nature and spirit - Shakespeare; correspondences between worlds; dream - underworld
Position: anuar UDC: 05:291
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Reeves, Hubert; Cazenave, Michel; Solié, Pierre; Pribram, Karl; Etter, Hansueli; Franz, Marie-Louise von
La Synchronicité, l'âme et la science / H. Reeves, M. Cazenave, P. Solie, K. Pribram, H.-F. Etter, M.-L. von Franz
Albin Michel, 1995, Paris , (carte) 182 p., ISBN 2-226-07609-3, ISSN 1147-3762
Topics (ro): stiinta - Univers - legi fizice - cauzalitate - sincronicitate; filosofia stiintei - relatie - suflet; stiinta - fizica - biologie - sincronicitate; biologie - creier - suflet - sincronicitate; evolutionism
Topics (en): science - universe - physical laws - causality - synchronicity; philosophy of science - relation - soul; science - physics - biology - synchronicity; biology - brain - soul - synchronicity; evolutionism
Position: B.17b-REE UDC: 141.155
Series: Espaces libres; 51
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Schommers, Wolfram
Formen des Kosmos: Physikalische und philosophische Facetten der Wirklichkeit/ Wolfram Schommers
Die Graue Edition, 2002, Kusterdingen , (carte) 399p., ISBN 3-906336-34-4
Topics (ro): fizica si filosofie; timpul in fizica; cosmos - forme ale cosmosului; realitate - aspecte fizice - aspecte filosofice; sincronicitate; ginfdire si observatie; inteligenta si creier
Topics (en): physics and philosophy; time in physics; cosmos - forms of cosmos; reality - physical aspects - philosophical aspects; synchronicity; thinking and observing; intelligence and brain
Position: B.17a-SCH UDC: 168:53
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC