New Europe College

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1. Albert, Jean-Pierre
Le sang et le Ciel: Les saintes mystiques dans le monde chrétien/ Jean-Pierre Albert
Aubier, 1997, Paris , (carte) 458p., ISBN 2-7007-2283-3
Topics (ro): crestinism - misticism crestin - sfinti mistici; mister - istoria religiilor; imitatio Christi; sacru - sfintenie
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Christian mysticism - mystic saints; mystery - history of religions; imitatio Christi; sacred - holyness
Position: G.1r2a-ALB UDC: 248
Series: Collection historique/ dirigée par Alain Corbin et Jean-Claude Schmitt
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Behn, Irene
Spanische Mystik: darstellung und Deutung/ Irene Behn
Patmos-Verlag, 1957, Düsseldorf , (carte) 792p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - teologie mistica; mistica spaniola; mistica crestina; misticism si mistologie; mistica si sfintenie; mistica iubirii; mistica cunoasterii
Topics (en): Christianity - mystical theology; Spanish mysticism; Christian mysticism; mysticism and mistology; mysticism and holiness; mystic of love; mystic of knowledge
Position: MT/B-795 UDC: 248(460)

3. Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth
Prière et sainteté dans l'Église russe: suivi d'un Essai sur le rôle du monachisme dans la vie spirituelle du peuple russe/ E. Behr-Sigel
Les éditions du Cerf, 1950, Paris , (carte) 183p.
Topics (ro): rugaciune - sfintenie; Biserica Rusa; crestinism - ortodoxie; monahism - viata spirituala - spiritualitate rusa
Topics (en): prayer - sanctity / holiness; Russian Church, the; Christianity / Christianism - orthodoxy; monasticism - spiritual life - Russian spirituality
Position: AS/G-551 UDC: 281.93
Series: Russie et Chrétienté

4. Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth
Prière et sainteté dans l'Église russe/ Elisabeth Behr-Sigel; Préface par Boris Bobrinskoy
Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1982, Bégrolles (Maine-et-Loire) , (carte) 243, [1]p., ISBN 2-85589-033-0
Topics (ro): rugaciune - sfintenie; Biserica Rusa; crestinism - ortodoxie; monahism - viata spirituala - spiritualitate rusa
Topics (en): prayer - sanctity / holiness; Russian Church, the; Christianity / Christianism - orthodoxy; monasticism - spiritual life - Russian spirituality
Position: MT/B-1259 UDC: 281.93; 248
Series: Spiritualité Orientale; 33
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Brooke, Rosalind B.
The Image of St. Francis: Responses to Sainthood in the Thirteenth Century/ Rosalind B. Brooke
Cambridge University Press, 2009, Cambridge, New York [etc.] , (carte) xvi, 524p., ISBN 978-0521-78291-3
Topics (ro): iconografie crestina - Sf. Francis; raspunsuri la sfintenie - sec.XIII
Topics (en): Christian iconography - St. Francis; responses to sainthood - 13th c.
Position: U.14-BRO UDC: 7.046.3: 929Francisc de Assisi(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Cazacu, Matei
Minuni, vedenii si vise premonitorii, în trecutul românesc / Matei Cazacu
Sigma, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 216 p. + 8 pl., ISBN 973-649-083-1
Topics (ro): etnologie - România; religie crestina - traditie ortodoxa - biserica ortodoxa - minuni - sfintenie, manifestari; vedenii - vise premonitorii - paranormal - România; credinte religioase - vampiri - moroi - strigoi - vârcolaci - pricolici - România; sup
Topics (en): ethnology - Romania; Christian religion - Orthodox tradition - Orthodox Church, the - miracles - holyness, manifestations; apparitions - premonitory dreams - paranormal - Romania; religious believes - vampires - ghosts - phantoms - werwolfs - ghouls - Rom
Position: Vn-CAZ UDC: 398.3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Ciolfi, Lorenzo M.; Corber, Erin; Gagyi, Agnes; Lember, Uku; Madaio, James; Oghina-Pavie, Cristiana; Smith, Blake; Winter, Alix; [...]; New Europe College (ed.)
New Europe College Yearbook 2015-2016: Not Another Constantine. Rethinking Imperial Sainthood Through the Case of John III Vatatzes/ Lorenzo M. Ciolfi; La Marseillaise and the Mob: Re/Deconstructing Antisemitism and Protest at the University of Strasbourg, 1937/ Erin Corber; Hungarian and Romanian New Left Groups in Global Context: Perspectives on the Relation Between Academic and Movement Politics/ Agnes Gagyi; From Estonian-Russian Inter-Marriages to 'Inter-regional' Marriages in Ukraine in the Times of Crisis/ Uku Lember; Rethinking Neo-Vedanta: Swami Vivekananda and the Selective Historiography of Advaita Vedanta/ James Madaio; Biologie et Agronomie en Roumanie sous l'Emprise du Lyssenkisme (1945-1965). Questions de Méthode/ Cristiana Oghina-Pavie; Anquetil Duperrron's Search for the Mughal Public Sphere: Orientalism as Political Economy in Eighteenth-Century France/ Blake Smith; Handel Und Staat. Ein Versuch Zum Wirtschaftstheoretischen Denken August Ludwig Schlözers/ Alix Winter; Edited by New Europe College
New Europe College, 2018, Bucharest , (anuar) 248p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): Ioan al III-lea Vatatze, 1222-54 - Imparat bizantin - Sfintenie imperiala bizantina; antisemitism - Franta - Alsacia - 1930s; Ungaria - Romania - miscari sociale - noua stanga - intelectuali; istorie orala - povestea vietii - studii despre memorie - Eston
Topics (en): John III Vatatzes, 1222-54, Byzantine emperor - Byzantine Imperial Sainthood; Antisemitism - France - Alsace - 1930s; Hungary - Romania - social movements - new left - intellectuals; oral history - life-story - memory studies - Estonia - Ukraine - Soviet
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(058)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook

8. Danielou, le R.P.
Le judeo-christianisme: Les textes, les doctrines et la vie spirituelle/ par le R.P. Danielou
Institut Catholique de Paris, s.a., Paris , (carte) 227p.
Topics (ro): Biserica spirituala; Crucea; coborirea in Infern - Inaltarea; cuvântul etern; teologie iudeo-crestina; iudeo-crestinism - texte - doctrina - viata spirituala; intruparea - misterul intruparii; botez; euharistie; milenarism; ascetism - sfintenie personala
Topics (en): spiritual Church, the; Cross, the; Descent to the Underworld, the - Ascension, the; eternalm word, the; Judeo-Christian theology; Judo-Christianism - texts - doctrine - spiritual life; incarnation - mystery of incarnation; baptism ( christening); Eucharis
Position: AS/G-164 UDC: 22/28:296
Series: "Ad Modum Manuscripti"/ Faculté de Théologie

9. Gellner, Ernest
Muslim Society / Ernest Gellner
Cambridge University Press, 1981, Cambridge - New York , (carte) x, 268 p., ISBN 0-521-27407-9 (pbk)
Topics (ro): antropologie sociala - societate musulmana - tari islamice - conditii sociale; sociologie - tari islamice - societate musulmana; islam - sfintenie - puritanism - secularizare - nationalism - tari islamice; cultura islamica
Topics (en): social anthropology - Muslim society - Islamic countries - social conditions; sociology - Islamic countries - Muslim society; Islam - sanctity - puritanism - secularisation - nationalism - Islamic countries; Islamic culture
Position: G.1s1-GEL UDC: 297.000.316.7
Series: Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology; 32
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Harrington, Hannah K.
Holiness: Rabbinic Judaism and the Graeco-Roman World / Hannah K. Harrington
Routledge, 2001, London - New York , (carte) xiv, 242 p., ISBN 0-415-14987-8 (pbk)
Topics (ro): Dumnezeu - iudaism - atribute; crestinism timpuriu - sfintenie - invatatura biblica - Biblie; religie iudaica - iudaism rabinic - lumea greco-romana; literatura rabinica - sfintenie - istorie si critica; sacrificiu - invatatura biblica
Topics (en): God - Judaism - attributes; Early Christianism - sanctity / holiness - biblical doctrine - Bible, the; Jewish religion - Rabbinic Judaism - Greco-Roman world; Rabbinic literature - sanctity / holiness - history and criticism; sacrifice - biblical doctrine
Position: G.1p/.1r-HAR UDC: 296.3
Series: Religion in the First Christian Centuries
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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