New Europe College

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1. Ebbinghaus, Hermann [ psiholog german, 1850-1909]
Grundzüge der Psychologie, Zweiter Band/ von Hermann Ebbinghaus; fortgeführt von Ernst Dürr
Verlag von Veit & Comp., 1912, Leipzig , (carte) XII, 822p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - principii; perceptia si gindirea; constiinta de sine; amintirea; fantezia; credinta si cunoasterea; sentimentele; cultura exprimarii - limbajul - actiunea
Topics (en): psychology - principles; perception and thinking; self-awareness; memory; fantasy; faith and knowledge; feelings; culture of expressing - language - action
Position: MT/A-3661 UDC: 159.9

2. Lacroix, Jean [ filosof francez, 1900-1986]
Les sentiments et la vie morale/ par Jean Lacroix
Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, Paris , (carte) 109p.
Topics (ro): sentimentele - viata morala; caracterul; virtutea
Topics (en): feelings - moral life; character; virtue
Position: MT/A-3198 UDC: 17
Series: Initiation philosophique; 2

3. Lipps, Theodor [ filosof si psiholog german, reprezentant al psihologismului german, 1851-1914]
Leitfaden der Psychologie/ von Theodor LIpps
Verlag von Wilheolm Engelmann, 1903, Leipzig , (carte) ix, 350p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - bazele psihologiei; aperceptia; cunoasterea; vointa; sentimentele; stari psihice; afecte; temperamente; tipuri psihologice; somn - vis - hipnoza; psihopatologie
Topics (en): Psychology - Basic Psychology; apperception; knowledge; will; feelings; mental states; emotions; temperaments; psychological types; sleep - dream - hypnosis; psychopathology
Position: MT/A-3651 UDC: 159.9