Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree/ Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
Rider & Company, 1974, London
, (carte) 333p., ISBN 0-09-119501-2
Topics (ro): iudaism - cabala; Copacul Vietii; Adam Cadmon; scriere ebraica - simbolismul literelor; corpul omenesc; psyche; eul; arhetipuri magice; arhetipuri cabalistice; inconstient - constiinta; Scara lui Iacob; ingeri Topics (en): Judaism - cabbala, the; tree of life, the; Adam Cadmon; Hebrew writing - symbolism of letters; human body, the; Psyche; ego, the; magical archetypes; cabbalistic archetypes; unconscious - conscience; Jacob's ladder; angels | | Position: AS/B-9
UDC: 296
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