New Europe College

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1. Ferro, Marco
Le ressentiment dans l'Histoire: comprendre notre temps/ Marc Ferro
Odile Jacob, 2007, Paris , (carte) 226p., ISBN 978-2-7381-1874-5
Topics (ro): istorie - resentiment; conflict religios - conflict social si politic; revolutii - resentiment
Topics (en): history - resentment; religious conflict - social and political conflict; revolutions - resentment
Position: H.0-FER
Series: Histoire
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Holzamer, Karl [1906-2007]
Grundriß einer praktischen Philosophie: Freiheit, Toleranz, Sittlichkeit, Ressentiment/ Karl Holzamer
Verllag Josef Knecht - Carolusdruckerei, 1951, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 184p.
Topics (ro): filosofie practica; libertate; toleranta; moralitate; resentiment - prejudecata afectiva
Topics (en): practical philosophy; freedom; tolerance; morality; resentment - the affective prejudice
Position: MT/A-261 UDC: 14(022)

3. Scheler, Max Ferdinand (1874-1928)
Vom Umsturz der Werte: Abhandlungen und Aufsätze / Max Scheler
Francke Verlag, 1972, Bern und München , (carte) 452 p., ISBN 3-7720-0183-1
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Scheler, Max Ferdinand (1874-1928) - Germania; fenomenologie - Scheler, Max; etica - filosofie morala - resentiment - Scheler, Max; filosofie - tragic; valoare - etica; existenta - valoare
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Scheler, Max Ferdinand, 1874-1928 - Germany; phenomenology - Scheler, Max; ethics - moral philosophy - resentment - Scheler, Max; philosophy - tragic; value - ethics; existence - value
Position: A.2-SCHE (3) UDC: 17*Scheler, Max
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Scheler, Max Ferdinand (1874-1928)
L'homme du ressentiment/ par Max Scheler
Librairie Gallimard NRF, , Paris , (carte) 191p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Scheler, Max, 1874-1928 - Germania; subiectivismul valorilor; resentiment - morala crestina; resentiment - judecata morala; resentiment - umanitarism; transmutatia valorilor - morala moderna
Topics (en): philosophy - Scheler, Max, 1874-1928 - Germany; subjectivism of values; resentment - Christian morals; resentment - moral judgment; resentment - humanitarianism; transmutation of values - modern morality
Position: MT/A-2719; MT/C-416 UDC: 14*Scheler, Max
Series: Les Essais; 9

5. Sloterdijk, Peter
Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation/ Peter Sloterdijk; Translated by Mario Wenning
Columbia University Press, 2010, New York , (carte) 248p., ISBN 978-0-231-14522-0
Topics (ro): filosofie - sec.XX; psihologie politica - furie si timp - razbunare; comunism - furie - razbunare; resentiment
Topics (en): philosophy - 20th c.; political psychology - rage and time - revenge; communism - rage - revenge; resentiment
Position: A.2-SLO UDC: 14*Sloterdijk, Peter
Series: Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC