Les Martyrs Maccabées et leur panegyrie dans l'Orient chrétien du IVe siècle [ teza de doctorat] / Raphaëlle Ziadé; Directeur de thèse: Madame le Professeur Monique Alexandre
Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2002, Paris
, (carte) 494 p.
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Biblia - Vechiul Testament - cartile istorice - Cartea Macabeilor - exegeza bibli; crestinism - martiri macabei - Orientul crestin - sec. IV; Septuaginta - Cartea Macabeilor - exegeza biblica; crestinism - liturghie crestina Topics (en): Christian religion - Bible, the - Old Testament, the - historical books - Maccabees, Book of - Biblical exegesis; Christianity / Christianism - Maccabean martyrs - Christain East - 4th century, the; Septuagint (LXX) - Maccabees, Book of - Biblical exegesi | | Position: G.1r0a.1-ZIA
UDC: 222.07(043)
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