Noul Testament: Evanghelia dupa Matei/ Introduceri, traducere, comentariu si note patristice de Cristian Badilita; Prefata de Theodor Paleologu
Curtea Veche Publishing, 2009, Bucuresti
, (carte) 457p., ISBN 978-973-669-764-7
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Biblia - Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Matei - comentariu - traducere Topics (en): Christian religion - Bible, the - New Testament, the - Gospel According to Matthew - commentary - translation | | Position: G.1r0b-BAD
UDC: 226.3=135.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |