New Europe College

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1. Kontler, Laszlo; Dowling, Maria; Hanak, Peter; Knezevic, Djudja; Glazkova, Marina; Kende, Tamas; Meszerics, Tamas; Miller, Alexey; Mishkova, Diana; Nagy, Mariann; Petö, Andrea; Sipos, Andras; Zaffi, Davide; Zaoral, Roman
Pride and Prejudice: National Stereotypes in 19th and 20th Ventury Europe East to West/ Editor Laszlo kontler
Central European University Press, 1995, Budapest , (carte) 211p., ISBN 963-85230-2-6, ISSN 1218-3687
Topics (ro): nationalism - Europa - sec.XIX-XX; politica nationala - etnicitate - alteritate - Europa - sec.XIX-XX; minoritati etnice - dusmanul intern - politica etnica; publicistica national-patriotica; dusmanul extern - propaganda nationalista
Topics (en): -
Position: H.174-KON UDC: 323(4)"18/19"
Series: CEU History Department, Working Paper Series; 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC