New Europe College

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1. *
Musical: Revue du théâtre musical de Paris - Châtelet/ Directeur de la publication: Jean-Albert Cartier
Édition Parution, 1987, Paris , (periodic) 131p., ISBN 0938-267X
Topics (ro): revista muzicala - Franta; teatru muzical - orchestra - dirijor - interpretare; evenimente muzicale
Topics (en): musical journal - France; muzical theatre - orchestra - conductor - interpretation; musical events
Position: VI/D-15; VI/D-16 UDC: 78(07)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Georgia String Bands (1928 - 1930)
Story of Blues, 1929, Germany , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): string band
Topics (en): orchestră de coarde
Position: VI/M-14644

3. Ablinger, Peter
Der Regen, das Glas, das Lachen, Ohne Titel, Quadraturen IV / Peter Ablinger
KAIROS, 2000, Germania , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzică pentru orchestră mică, muzică instrumentală, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): music for small orchestra, instrumental music, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-1987 UDC: 785.16

4. Adams, John
Naive And Sentimental Music, Mother of the man, Chain to the rhythm / John Adams
Nonesuch Records, 2002, U.S.A. , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): lucrări pentru orchestră, muzică instrumentală, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): works for orchestra, instrumental music, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-4911 UDC: 785.11

5. Albinoni, Tomaso (1671-1751)
12 Concertos, Op. 10 / Tomaso Albinoni
Erato, 1995, France , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): compozitor italian; baroc; concert pentru vioară, orchestră de coarde și clavecin
Topics (en): Italian composer; Baroque; concerto for violin, strings and harpsichord
Position: VI/M-344/45 UDC: 785.16

6. Alexander Borodin
Orchestral Works
Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, 1990/1992, Germania , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): lucrări orchestrale, operă
Topics (en): orchestral works, opera
Position: VI/M-14315/16 UDC: 785.1

7. Alexander Tcherepnin
Piano Concertos Nos. 2, 3 & 6
Olympia Compact Discs Ltd., 1994, Londra , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): concerte pentru pian si orchestra, Murray McLachlan
Topics (en): piano concerts, Murray McLachlan
Position: VI/M - 13839 UDC: 785.6

8. Alexander Tcherepnin
Works for Chamber Orchestra
Melodya Studios, 1996, England , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): orchestra
Topics (en): orchestra
Position: VI/M-13844 UDC: 785.1

9. Alkan, Charles-Valentin (1813-1888)
Complete Works for Piano and Orchestra / Charles-Valentine Alkan
Naxos, 1998, Germany , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): compozitor francez; concert pentru pian și orchestră; concert pentru pian; muzica secolului al XIX-lea
Topics (en): French composer; concerto for piano and orchestra; piano concerto; 19th Century music
Position: VI/M-723 UDC: 786.72

10. Allan Pettersson
Allan Pettersson: Concerto No. 1 f. Strings, Symphony No. 12
Caprice, 1988, Anglia , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzica clasica, orchestra
Topics (en): classic music, orchestra
Position: VI/M - 13864 UDC: 785.1

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