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1. *
Sources of Chinese Tradition. Vol. 1. / compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary and Irene Bloom; with the collaboration of Wing-sit Chan, Ron Guey Chu, John Dardess...
Columbia University Prerss, 1999, New York , (carte) XXXIII, 998p., ISBN 0-231-10938-5
Topics (ro): istorie - dinastii - China; institutii imperiale - China; religie - China - confucianism; traditia chineza - antichitate; China - civilizatie - surse; comert si industrie - economie - China antica; daoism - China; budism - China; neo-confucianism - viata
Topics (en): history - Dinasties - China; impirial institutions - China; religion - China - Confucianism; Chinese tradition - Antiquity; China - civilization - sources; trade and industry - economics - ancient China; Daoism - China; Buddhism - China; neo-Confucianism
Position: H.012c-BAR UDC: 299.51+930.85(510)
Series: Introduction to Asian civilizations / Wm. Theodore de Bary, General Editor
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. De Bary, William Theodore
The trouble with Confucianism / Wm. Theodore De Bary
Harvard University Press, 1991, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (carte) xiv, 132 p., ISBN 0-674-91015-X
Topics (ro): religie - confucianism; neoconfucianism; mesaj profetic - neo-confucianism ortodox; Profetul si multimea - confucianism
Topics (en): religion - Confucianism; neo-Confucianism; prophetic message - conventional neo-Confucianism; Prophet and crowd - Confucianism
Position: G.1f2-DeBAR UDC: 299.512
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Fung Yu-Lan
The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy/ Fung Yu-Lan; translated by E. R. Hughes
Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.l, 1962, London , (carte) xiv, 224p.
Topics (ro): filosofie chineza; Yang Chu si Mo Ti; dialectica si logica chineza; Lao Tzuj si Chuang Tzu; mistica chineza; budism Chan; neo-Confucianism
Topics (en): Chinese philosophy; Yang Chu and Mo Ti; Chinese dialectics and logic; Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu; Chinese mysticism; Buddhism Chan; Neo-Confucianism
Position: MT/A-544 UDC: 1(51)
Series: Routledge Paperbacks; 21