Xenopoliana: Buletinul Fundatiei Academice "A.D. Xenopol" din Iasi/ Fundatia Academica "A.D. Xenopol"; coordonator: Al. Zub
Fundatia Academica "A.D. Xenopol", 1993-2005, Iasi
, (periodic) , ISSN 1223-9941
Topics (ro): postistorie; postcomunism; postmodernism; istoriografie; discurs istoric - integrare europeana; istorie - identitate; Xenopol, A.D. - teoria istoriei - filosofia istoriei; invatamint istoric; elite; nationalism - etnicitate - minoritati Topics (en): posthistory; post-communism; postmodernism; historiography; historical discourse - European integration; history - identity; Xenopol, A.D. - theory of history - philosophy of history; historical education; elites; nationalism - ethnicity - minorities | | Position: periodic
UDC: 940+930.1
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