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1. *
Lettre Internationale: editia româna / Fundatia Culturala Româna; [red. sef: B. Elvin, Antonin J. Liehm]
Editura Fundatiei Culturale Române, 1996-2016, Bucuresti , (periodic) cca 134 p., ISSN 1220-5998
Topics (ro): miscellanea; arta europeana; literatura universala; politica; istorie; cinematografie
Topics (en): miscellany; European art; universal literature; politics; history; cinematography
Position: periodic UDC: 821

2. *
Commentaire: revue trimestrielle/ fondateur: Raymond Aron
Plon, 1992-1996, Paris , (periodic)
Topics (ro): istorie; politica; relatii internationale; natiune - nationalism - Europa; postcomunism; literatura - interpretare; miscellanea; Aron, Raymond; Bloom, Allan
Topics (en): history; politics; international relations; nation - nationalism - Europe; post-communism; literature - interpretation; miscellany; Aron, Raymond; Bloom, Allan
Position: periodic; AS/P-80; AS/P-81 UDC: 32+940+30

3. *
Lingua franca: The review of academic life: [published 9 times per year]/ Founder and editor-in-chief: Jeffrey Kittay
University Business LLC, 200-2001, New York , (periodic) , ISSN 1051-3310
Topics (ro): viata academica; miscellanea
Topics (en): -
Position: periodic UDC: 80

4. *
The New Yorker: Published weekly (except for seven combined issues)/ by the New Yorker Magazine, Inc.
The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., 1997-1999, New York , (periodic) , ISSN 0028-792X
Topics (ro): miscellanea
Topics (en): miscellany
Position: periodic UDC: 07(73)

5. Aelian (Claudius Aelianus, 170-230)
Historical Miscellany/ Aelian; edited and translated by N.G. Wilson
Harvard University Press, 1997, Cambridge; London , (carte) 514p., ISBN 0-674-99535-X
Topics (ro): Grecia antica - miscellanea; istorie antica - antichitate greaca
Topics (en): ancient Greece - miscellany; ancient history - Greek antiquity
Position: 0.12-AEL (4); DS/A-1 UDC: 938
Series: The Loeb Classical Library; 486
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Agrigoroaiei, I.; Buzatu, Gh.; Cristian V. (coord.); Gorovei, Stefan S. [Ed.]; Guboglu, Mihail; Denize, Eugen; Iosipescu, Sergiu; Andreescu, Stefan; Pippidi, Andrei; Toderascu, Ion; Ciurea, D.; Holban, Maria; Paltânea Paul; Badarau, Gabriel; Platon, Gh.;
Românii in istoria universala, III: Izvoare straine pentru istoria românilor/ Coordonatori: I. Agrigoroaiei, Gh. Buzatu, V. Cristian; Volum ingrijit de Stefan S. Gorovei
Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza", 1988, Iasi , (carte) xvi, 456p.
Topics (ro): istorie universala - istoria românilor - izvoare straine; cronici; calatori straini - Tarile Române; tiparituri vechi - presa; corespondenta diplomatica; arhiva istorica - România contemporana; miscellanea
Topics (en): world history ( universal history) - Romanians history - foreign sources; chronicles; foreign travelers - Romanian Principalities; old printings - press; diplomatic correspondence; historical archive - contemporary Romania; miscellanea
Position: DS/K-41 UDC: 930.9(948)
Series: "Monografii Istorice"; III3

7. Blumenberg, Hans [1920-1996]
Completitudinea stelelor/ Hans Blumenberg
Editura Tact, 2013, Cluj-Napoca , (carte) 590p., ISBN 978-606-8437-28-6
Topics (ro): filosofie - miscellanea - Blumenberg, Hans - sec.|XX
Topics (en): philosophy - miscellany - Blumenberg, Hans - 20th c.
Position: A.2-BLU UDC: 14*Blumenberg,Hans
Series: Angelus Novus
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Borchin, Mirela; Cheie-Pantea, Iosif; Ruja, Alexandru (coord.); Balteanu, Viorica; Constantinovici, Simona; Fârda, Mioara; Funeriu, I.; Tolcea, Marcel; [...]
In magistri honorem: G. I. Tohaneanu/ Volum coordonat de Mirela Borchin, Iosif Cheie-Pantea, Alexandru Ruja
Editura Universitatii de Vest, 2005, Timisoara , (carte) 560p., ISBN 973-7608-13-5
Topics (ro): filologie - lingvistica - Tohaneanu, Gheorghe I. (1925-2008) - România - sec.XX; Tohaneanu, Gheorghe I. - viata si opera - evocari; miscellanea
Topics (en): philology - stylistics - Tohaneanu, Gheorghe I. (1925-2008) - Romania - 20th c.; Tohaneanu, Gheorghe I. - life and work - evocations; miscellany
Position: DS/R-35 UDC: 821.135.09Tohaneanu, G. I.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Casti, John L.
Paradigms Lost: Tackling the Unanswered Mysteries of the Modern Science/ John L. Casti
Avon Books, 1990, New York , (carte) xxi, 569p., ISBN 0-380-71165-6
Topics (ro): stiinta - miscellanea; controverse stiintifice - sec.XX; credinta - speranta - stiinta - filosofie; originea vietii; genetica - tipare comportamentale; realitate
Topics (en): science - miscellany; scintific controvercies - 20th century, the; belief - hope - science - philosophy; origin of the life; genetics - patterns of behaviour ( behaviour patterns); reality
Position: AS/S-27 UDC: 14:5/6"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Censorinus [ autor latin, sec.III]
Censorini De Die natali liber ad Q. Caerellium; accedit anonymi cuiusdam epitoma disciplinarum (fragmentum Censorini)/ [Censorinus]; Edidit Nicolaus Sallmann
BSB B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1983, Leipzig , (carte) xxxviii, 106p.
Topics (ro): literzatura latina tirzie - miscellanea - Censorinus - sec.III
Topics (en): late Latin literature - miscellaneous writing - Censorinus - 3rd c.
Position: DS/E-9 UDC: 821.124"02"Censorinus
Series: Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana

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