New Europe College

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1. Chiorean, Andru; Kiss, Tamas; Macarie, Iulius-Cezar; Marginean, Mara; Mihail, Mihnea Alexandru; Nitescu, Iulia, Patruti, Alexandru; Popa, Bogdan, Tamas, Hajnalka
New Europe College Yearbook. Stefan Odobleja Program 2021-2022: Censors and Censorial Relations in Communist Romania: customs, conventions, and practices/ Andru Chiorean; Minority Political Agency and Orban's Mono-Pyramidal Rule: a comparative analysis of effects of Hungarian kinstate policies in Romania and Ukraine after 2010/ Tamas Kiss; Roadies: an ethnography of digitalisation of inequalities and precarisation in food couriers/ Iulius-Cezar Macarie (Julius-Cezar Macquarie); The Value of a Calorie: food policies and the making of standards of living in mid-20th century Romania/ Mara Marginean; Bound to the Column: Antichrist iconography in the Last Judgement scenes in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary/ Mihnea Alexandru Mihail; Identity, Secrecy, and War: the letters of Ivan III of Moscow to his daughter, Elena of Lithuania/ Iulia Nitescu; Keynes and Hayek: Commonalities and differences in business cycle theories/ Alexandru Patruti; Pathways of Knowledge Exchange: the dissemination of Romanian publications in Europe (second half of the 19th century-until the First World War)/ Bogdan Popa; Practice and Function of Ecclesiastical Recommendation in late antiquity (fourth-fifth centuries AD)/ Hajnalka Tamas; [editor: Irina Vainovksi-Mihai]
New Europe College, 2022, Bucharest , (anuar) 323p.: il., fig., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): comunism - cenzura - Romania; minoritate maghiara - Romania - Ucraina; curieri - munca de noapte - inegalitati - Europa; nutritie - politici alimentare - Romania - mijlocul sec. XX; pictura murala - iconografie - Regatul Ungariei; economie - cicluri econo
Topics (en): communism - Romania - censorship; Hungarian minority - Romania - Ukraine; couriers - night work - inequalities - Europe; food - food policies - Romania - mid-20th century; wall painting - iconography - Kingdom of Hungary; economics - economic cycles - J.M
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook