New Europe College

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1. Hixson, Walter L.
Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961/ Walter L. Hixson
MacMillan Ltd, 1998, London , (carte) XVI, 284 p., ISBN 0-333-73123-9
Topics (ro): conflict psihologic - razboiul rece - telecomunicatii; propaganda - cultura - razboiul rece - 1945-1961; istorie - razboiul rece - 1945-1961; psychological warfare; militarizare
Topics (en): psychological conflict - cold war, the - telecommunication; propaganda - culture - cold war, the - 1945-1961; history - cold war, the - 1945-1961; psychological warfare; militarization
Position: H.17-HIX UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Hixson, Walter L.
Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961/ Walter L. Hixson
Macmillan, 1997, London , (carte) XVI, 284 p., ISBN 0-333-69420-1
Topics (ro): conflict psihologic - razboiul rece - telecomunicatii; propaganda - cultura - razboiul rece - 1945-1961; istorie - razboiul rece - 1945-1961; psychological warfare; militarizare
Topics (en): psychological conflict - cold war, the - telecommunication; propaganda - culture - cold war, the - 1945-1961; history - cold war, the - 1945-1961; psychological warfare; militarization
Position: CCIP-Cluj UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Nugent, David; Vincent, Joan [Eds.]; Stoler, Ann Laura; Verdery, Katherine; Schoepf, Brooke Grundfest; Ong, Aihwa; Hannerz, Ulf; Edelman, Marc; Haugerud, Angelique; Colson, Elizabeth; Alwis, Malathi de; Leonardo, Micaela di; Heath, Deborah; Rapp, Rayna;
A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics/ Edited by David Nugent and Joan Vincent
Blackwell Publishing, 2006, Oxford , (carte) xxi, 500 p., ISBN 0-631-22972-8
Topics (ro): neoliberalism - justitie populara - suveranitate - transnationalitate; hegemonie - identitate - infrapolitica; militarizare - postcolonialism; politica sociala - cetatenie - globalizare - drepturile omului; antropologie politica - politica si societate -
Topics (en): neoliberalism - popular justice - sovereignty - transnationality; hegemony - identity - infrapolitics; militarization - postcolonialism; social politics - citizenship - globalization - human rights; anthropology of politics - politics and society - ethnog
Position: J.03-NUG UDC: 306.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC