New Europe College

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1. Burke, Peter [Ed.]; Sharpe, Jim; Scott, Joan W.; Wesseling, Henk; Levi, Giovanni; [...]
New Perspectives on Historical Writing/ Edited by Peter Burke
Polity Press, 2001, Cambridge, Oxford , (carte) ix, 306p., ISBN 0-7456-2428-6
Topics (ro): istoriografie; noul istorism; istoria femeilor; microistorie; istorie orala; istoria lecturii; istorie vizuala; istoria gindirii politice; corp - istorie
Topics (en): historiography; new historism; women's history; microhistory; oral history; history of reading; visual history; history of political thought; body - history
Position: H.0-BUR UDC: 930
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Burns, Robert M. [Ed.]
Historiography: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Volume IV: Culture/ Edited by Robert M. Burns
Routledge, 2006, London and New York , (carte) xi, 491p., ISBN 0-415-32081-X
Topics (ro): studii istorice - concepte critice - istoriografie; istorie culturala - simbol; istorie si antropologie; Geertz - sisteme culturale - sincronie - transformare; microistorie; memorie; istorie narativa; istoriografie postmodernista
Topics (en): historical studies - critical concepts - historiography; cultural history - symbol; history and anthropology; Geertz - cultural systems - synchrony - transformation; microhistory; memory; narrative history; postmodernist historiography
Position: H.0-BUR (4) UDC: 930
Series: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC