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1. Maslow, Abraham [ psiholog american, 1908-1970]
The Farther reaches of Human Nature/ Abraham Maslow; [ Preface by Bertha G. Maslow; Introduction by Henry Geiger]
Penguin Books, Ltd., 1971, Harmondsworth, Middlesex , (carte) 440, [4]p., ISBN 0-1402-1645-6
Topics (ro): psihologie - natura umana; sanatate mentala - patologie mentala; creativitate; valori; educatie; societate; cognitie; transcendenta - psihologia fiintei; metamotivatie
Topics (en): psychology - human nature; mental health - mental pathology; creativity; values; education; society; cognition; transcendence - being psychology; metamotivation
Position: MT/A-3760 UDC: 159.9
Series: Pelican Books; A
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC