New Europe College

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1. *
Arc: Litere, arte & mestesuguri/ editat de Fundatia Culturala Româna; redactor sef: George Balaita
Editura Fundatiei Culturale Române, 1996, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1220-594X
Topics (ro): literatura; arta; mestesuguri
Topics (en): literature; fine arts; trades/ skills
Position: periodic UDC: 82+7

2. Arbore Popescu, Grigore [Ed.]
I Daci/ a cura di Grigore Arbore Popescu
Electa, 1997, Milano , (carte) 372p., ISBN 88-435-5822-6
Topics (ro): istorie - civilizatie - mestesuguri - arta - religie - daci; istoria românilor - daci - Dacia preromana; cultura geto-dacica
Topics (en): history - civilization - skills - art - religion - Dacians; Romanians' history - Dacians - Preroman Dacia; Geto-dacian culture
Position: Vh.2-ARB UDC: 949.8
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Crisan, Niculae
Tiganii: Mit si realitate / Niculae Crisan
Albatros, 1999, Bucuresti , (carte) 194 p., ISBN 973-24-0646-1
Topics (ro): minoritati nationale - tigani - România; istoria tiganilor - migrare; cultura tiganeasca; tigani - România - sec. XIV-XX; muzica tiganeasca - lautari; obiceiuri si traditii tiganesti; mestesuguri tiganesti; limba tiganeasca
Topics (en): national minorities - Gipsies, the - Romania; Gipsies' history - migration; gipsy culture; Gipsies, the - Romania - 14th-20th centuries; gipsy music - fiddlers; Gipsy customs and traditions; Gipsy crafts; Romany, gipsy language
Position: Vh.814-CRI UDC: 94(=214.58)(498)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Detienne, Marcel [ n. 1935]; Vernant, Jean-Pierre [1914-2007]
Viclesugurile inteligejntei. Mêtis la greci/ Marcel Detienne si Jean-Pierre Vernant; Traducere de Margareta Sfirschi
Editura Symposion, 1999, Bucuresti , (carte) 384p., ISBN 973-97963-1-1
Topics (ro): Hefaistos; mestesugurile divine; mitologie greaca - viclenie - inteligenta - legende; Atena; zeii greci - viclenie
Topics (en): Hephaistos; The divine crafts; Greek mythology - cunning - intelligence - legends; Athens; The Greek gods - cunning
Position: MT/B-594 UDC: 292.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Detienne, Marcel [ n. 1935]; Vernant, Jean-Pierre [1914-2007]
Les ruses de l'intelligence: La metis des Grecs/ Marcel Detienne et Jean-Pierre Vernant
Flammarion, 1978, Paris , (carte) 318p.
Topics (ro): Hefaistos; mestesugurile divine; mitologie greaca - viclenie - inteligenta - legende; Atena; zeii greci - viclenie
Topics (en): Hephaistos; The divine crafts; Greek mythology - cunning - intelligence - legends; Athens; The Greek gods - cunning
Position: MT/B-609 UDC: 292
Series: Champs; 36

6. Duculescu, Mirela
Honest Goods: Colectia Golescu = Honest Goods: Golescu Collection/ Curator: Morela Duculescu; Designeri: Andreea Machidon, Veronica Olariu, Ruxi Sacalis
Pro Patrimonio, 2016, Bucuresti , (brosura) 31p., ISBN 978-973-0-22499-3
Topics (ro): catalog - expozitie - design si mestesug - Londra - 2016; mestesuguri - Romania - expozitie
Topics (en): catalogue - exhibition - design and crafts - London - 2016; crafts - Romania - exhibition
Position: Vu.3-DUC UDC: 700
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Humphrey, John W.; Oleson, John P.; Sherwood, Andrew N.
Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook: Annotated Translations of Greek and Latin Texts and Documents / John W. Humphrey, John P. Oleson and Andrew N. Sherwood
Routledge, 1998, London - New York , (carte) xxiv, 624 p., ISBN 0-415-06137-7 (pbk)
Topics (ro): tehnologie - Grecia antica - istorie; tehnologie - Roma antica - istorie; tehnologie - dispozitive mecanice - antichitate - istorie; agricultura - antichitate; minerit - antichitate; constructii - antichitate; mestesuguri - antichitate; transport - antich
Topics (en): technology - Ancient Greece - history; technology - ancient Rome - history; technology - machine-like devices - Antiquity - history; agriculture - antiquity; mining - antiquity; buildings - antiquity; trades/ skills - antiquity; transport/ transportation
Position: B.12/.13-HUM UDC: 621.7(100)(38+39)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC