Timpul istoriei. I. Memorie si patrimoniu = Le Temps de l'histoire. I. Memoire et patrimoine: In honorem emeritae Ligiae Bârzu / volum ingrijit de Miron Ciho, Vlad Nistor si Daniela Zaharia
Centrul de Istorie Comparata a Societatilor Antice, 1997, Bucuresti
, (carte) 454 p., ISBN 973-96524-8-4
Topics (ro): istorie - patrimoniu si memorie; etnicitate; istorie romana - Dacia; sociogonie mitica chineza; istorie antica - Grecia miceniana; popoare migratoare - istorie - Europa - sec. V-VI; istorie - Franta - sec. XVIII; arheologie si istorie; istorie - studii Topics (en): history - inheritance and memory; ethnicity; Roman history - Dacia; Chinese mythical sociogony; ancient history - Mycenaean Greece; migratory people - history - Europe - 5th-6th centuries; history - France - 18th century; archaeology and history; history | | Position: Vh.2-T.I.M.P.(1)
UDC: 94
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