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1. *
Religion und Religiosität im Zeitalter des Barock. Teil I / in Verbindung mit Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Heinz Schilling und Walter Sparn; herausgegeben von Dieter Breuer
Harrassowitz Verlag, 1995, Wisbaden , (carte) xxii, 430 p., ISBN 3-447-03777-6
Topics (ro): liturghie - biserica crestina - sec. XVII; politica si religie - sec. XVII; stat si religie - sec. XVII; religie si religiozitate - epoca baroca - sec. XVII; mistica si meditatie - crestinism - sec. XVII; arta religioasa baroca
Topics (en): liturgy - Christian Church, the - 17th c.; politics and religion - 17th c.; state and religion - 17th c.; religion and religiosity - Baroque period - 17th c.; mysticism and meditation - Christianity / Christianism - 17th c.; Baroque religious art
Position: G.1r52d-BRE(1) UDC: 261.7"16"
Series: Wolfenbütteler Arbeitein zur Barockforschung; Band 25
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Milarepa ou Jetsun-Kahbum: Vie de Jetsün Milarepa / traduite du Tibétain par le Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup; édité par le W. Y. Evans-Wentz; avec introduction et commentaires; traduction française de Roland Ryser
J. Maisonneuve, succ., 1985, Paris , (carte) 376 p., ISBN 2-7200-1034-0
Topics (ro): Milarepa [MI-LA-RAS-PA, 1040-1123] - ginditor tibetan - budism tibetan - biografie; tantrism; religie - India - budism tibetan; cintece tantrice; Nirvana; meditatie - solitudine; penitenta
Topics (en): Milarepa [MI-LA-RAS-PA, 1040-1123] - Tibetan thinker - Buddhism, Tibetan - biography; Tantrism; religion - India - Buddhism, Tibetan; Tantric songs; Nirvana/ Nirwana; meditation - solitude; penitence
Position: G.1d32-MIL-Eva UDC: 294.321*MILAREPA
Series: Classiques d'Amérique et d'Orient; II
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Buddhist Scriptures/ selected and translated by Edward Conze
Penguin Books, 1968, Harmondsworth, Middlesex , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): budism - morala - meditatie - intelepciune; filosofie indiana - religie indiana - budism; Buddha Shakyamuni - legenda; Maytreya - viitorul Buddha
Topics (en): Buddhism - moral philosophy - meditation - wisdom; Indian philosophy - Indian religion - Buddhism; Buddha Shakyamuni - legend; Maytreya - Buddha to be
Position: AS/D-62 UDC: 294.3
Series: Penguin Classics; L88

4. *
Contemplation and Action in World Religions/ Edited by Yusuf Ibish and Ileana Marculescu
University of Washington Press (Distributor), 1978, Seattle and London , (carte) 275p., ISBN 0-295-95634-8
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - studii; contemplatie - actiune - religie; meditatie - budism zen; meditatie - actiune - vedanta; isihasm - contemplatie; iudaism - Islam - sufism - contemplatie - actiune
Topics (en): history of religions - studies; contemplation - action - religion; meditation - Zen Buddhism; meditation - action - Vedanta; Hesychasm - contemplation; Judaism - Islam - Sufism - contemplation - action
Position: AS/H-8 UDC: 291
Series: A Rothko Chapel Book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Abellio, Raymond
La fin de l'ésotérisme: essai/ Raymond Abellio
Flammarion, 1973, Paris , (carte) 254p.
Topics (ro): ezoterism; ocultism - eruditie; doctrina secreta; mistica - gnoza; simbolismul crucii - cuaternitate; Yi-King; cabala; meditatie transcendetala - yoga; astrologie - profetism
Topics (en): esotericism, esoterism; occultism - erudition; secret doctrine; mystic - gnosis; symbolism of the Cross - quaternity; Yi-King; cabbala, the; transcendental meditation - yoga; astrology - prophetism
Position: AS/E-112 UDC: 133

6. Aelred de Rievaulx (sf.)
La vie de recluse. La prière pastorale/ Aelred de Rievaulx; texte latin, introduction, traduction et notes par Charles Dumont, o.c.s.o
Les éditions du Cerf, 1961, Paris , (carte) 222p.
Topics (ro): patristica - sec.XII - Aelred, abate de Rievaulx (Yorkshire); ascetism - filosofie - sec.XII; meditatie - rugaciunea pastorala
Topics (en): -
Position: 0.14-SC-AEL (2) UDC: 130.1:276"11"
Series: Sources Chrétiennes; 76

7. Alexianu, Alexandru
Istoria poeziei culte românesti, 1570-1830. Vol. 1 / Al. Alexianu; editie alcatuita de Mircea Colosenco; coperta de Lucian Popa
Editura Majadahonda, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 480 p., ISBN 973-9335-28-4
Topics (ro): poezie culta româneasca, 1570-1830 - istorie; poezie sacra religioasa; poezie ecleziastica si sacerdotala; poezie hieratica voievodala; poezie heraldica; poezie parenetica sacrala; poezie profana de meditatie; poezie profana epica; poezie moderna
Topics (en): Romanian cultivated poetry, 1570-1830 - history; religious sacred poetry; ecclesiastical and sacerdotal poetry; hieratic voivodal poetry; heraldic poetry; sacred paraenetic poetry; secular meditation poetry; secular epic poetry; modern poetry
Position: Vt.1-ALE (1) UDC: 821.135.1.09-1(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Alexianu, Alexandru
Istoria poeziei culte românesti, 1570-1830. Vol. 2 / Al. Alexianu; editie alcatuita de Mircea Colosenco; coperta de Lucian Popa
Editura Majadahonda, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 496 p., ISBN 973-9335-29-2
Topics (ro): poezie culta româneasca, 1570-1830 - istorie; poezie sacra religioasa; poezie ecleziastica si sacerdotala; poezie hieratica voievodala; poezie heraldica; poezie parenetica sacrala; poezie profana de meditatie; poezie profana epica; poezie moderna
Topics (en): Romanian cultivated poetry, 1570-1830 - history; religious sacred poetry; ecclesiastical and sacerdotal poetry; hieratic voivodal poetry; heraldic poetry; sacred paraenetic poetry; secular meditation poetry; secular epic poetry; modern poetry
Position: Vt.1-ALE (2) UDC: 821.135.1.09-1(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Alexianu, Alexandru
Istoria poeziei culte românesti, 1570-1830. Vol. 3 / Al. Alexianu; editie alcatuita de Mircea Colosenco; coperta de Lucian Popa
Editura Majadahonda, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 494 p., ISBN 973-9335-30-6
Topics (ro): poezie culta româneasca, 1570-1830 - istorie; poezie sacra religioasa; poezie ecleziastica si sacerdotala; poezie hieratica voievodala; poezie heraldica; poezie parenetica sacrala; poezie profana de meditatie; poezie profana epica; poezie moderna
Topics (en): Romanian cultivated poetry, 1570-1830 - history; religious sacred poetry; ecclesiastical and sacerdotal poetry; hieratic voivodal poetry; heraldic poetry; sacred paraenetic poetry; secular meditation poetry; secular epic poetry; modern poetry
Position: Vt.1-ALE (3) UDC: 821.135.1.09-1(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Alexianu, Alexandru
Istoria poeziei culte românesti, 1570-1830. Vol. 4 / Al. Alexianu; editie alcatuita de Mircea Colosenco; coperta de Lucian Popa
Editura Majadahonda, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 498 p., ISBN 973-9335-31-4
Topics (ro): poezie culta româneasca, 1570-1830 - istorie; poezie sacra religioasa; poezie ecleziastica si sacerdotala; poezie hieratica voievodala; poezie heraldica; poezie parenetica sacrala; poezie profana de meditatie; poezie profana epica; poezie moderna
Topics (en): Romanian cultivated poetry, 1570-1830 - history; religious sacred poetry; ecclesiastical and sacerdotal poetry; hieratic voivodal poetry; heraldic poetry; sacred paraenetic poetry; secular meditation poetry; secular epic poetry; modern poetry
Position: Vt.1-ALE (4) UDC: 821.135.1.09-1(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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