New Europe College

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1. Biddick, Kathleen
The Shock of Medievalism/ Kathleen Biddick
Duke University Press, 1998, Durham & London , (carte) x, 306p., ISBN 0-8223-2199-8
Topics (ro): medievalism; civilizatie medievala - studii; literatura medievala - istorie si critica; memorie si rememorare; alegorii ale vietii artificiale
Topics (en): medievalism; medieval civilization - studies; medieval literature - history and criticism; memory and rememoration; allegories of artificial life
Position: H.142-BID UDC: 930.85"03/13"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Kammen, Michael: Morrison, Karl F.; McNeil, William H.; Curtin, Philip D.; keddie, Nikki R.; Hall, John Whiyney; Gibson, Charles; Stearns, Peter N.; Bogue, Allan G.; Brody, David; [...]
The Past Before Us: Contemporary Historical Writing in the United States/ Edited for the American Historical Association by Michael Kammen; Foreword by John Hope Franklin
Cornell University Press, 1980, Ithaca and London , (carte) 527p., ISBN 0-8014-1224-2
Topics (ro): istoriografie - SUA - congres; medievalism american - SUA; inceputul Europei moderne; istorie europeana moderna; istorie africana; istorie musulmana - Orientul Mijlociu; istoria Asiei; istorie sociala; istorie politica; istorie intelectuala si culturala
Topics (en): Historiography - USA - Congress; American medievalism - USA; early modern Europe; modern European history; African history; Muslim history - Middle East; Asian history; social history; political history; intellectual and cultural history
Position: H.0-KAM UDC: 930(73)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Laird, John [ filosof britanic, 1887-1946]
Recent Philosophy/ John Laird
Geoffrey Cumberlege; Oxford University Press, 1949, London; New York; Toronto , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia recenta - inceputul sec.XX; idealismul absolut; disciplinele umaniste; pragmatism; Bergson; realismul; analiza; noul medievalism; axiologia si etica
Topics (en): history of philosophy - recent philosophy - early 20th c.; absolute idealism; humanities; pragmatism; Bergson; realism; analysis; new medievalism; axiology and ethics
Position: MT/A-1019 UDC: 14"19"(09)
Series: The Home University Library of Modern Knowledge