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1. *
South and Meso-American Native Spirituality: From the Cult of the Feathered Serpent to the Theology of Liberation / edited by Gary H. Gossen; in collaboration with Miguel León-Portilla
The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1997, New York , (carte) xii, 564 p., ISBN 0-8245-1662-1
Topics (ro): indieni - religie si mitologie; indieni - istorie; America Latina - istoria bisericii; sincretism (religie); America Latina - viata sociala si obiceiuri; catolicism hispanic; religie - America Latina - indieni; religie - maya
Topics (en): Indians - religion and mythology; Indians - history; Latin America - church history; syncretism ( religion); Latin America - social life and customs; Hispanic catholicism; religion - Latin America - Indians; religion - Maya
Position: G.10-WS (4) UDC: 299.7(091)
Series: World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: vol. 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Historama: Merveilleuse et terrible: histoire des Mayas: hors série no.41 /[ realisé sous la direction de Guy Annequin]
--, , (periodic) 162p.: il., ISSN 0339-7335
Topics (ro): Mayasi - istorie; Mayasi - cultura si civilizatie;; civilizatie precolumbiana - Maya
Topics (en): Maya - history; Maya - culture and civilisation; Pre-Columbian civilisation - Maya
Position: MT/B-3472 UDC: 930.85(=821.173)

3. Arnold, Paul [Ed.]
Le Livre des Morts Maya/ Première traduction et commentaire par Paul Arnold
Éditions Robert Laffont, 1978, Paris , (carte) 229p., ISBN 2-221-00010-2
Topics (ro): Cartea Mayasa a Mortilor - traducere si comentariu - text in scriere maya; religie maya - moarte si renastere
Topics (en): Mayan Book of the Dead - translation and commentary - text in Maya; Maya religion - death and rebirth
Position: MT/B-530 UDC: 299.7
Series: Les Portes de l'étrange
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Aurobindo, Shri (1872-1950)
The Mother/ Sri Aurobindo
Arya Publishing House, 1944, Calcutta , (carte) 85, [2]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie si religie indiana - Aurobindo - intelepciune indiana; maya; yoga; hinduism; Mama Divina
Topics (en): ndian philosophy and religion - Aurobindo - Indian wisdom; maya; yoga; Hinduism; Divine Mother
Position: MT/B-338 UDC: 294

5. Coe, Michael D.
The Maya / Michael D. Coe
Thames and Hudson, 1987, New York , (carte) 200 p., ISBN 0-500-27455-x
Topics (ro): civilizatia maiasa - cultura - istorie; istorie - civilizatia maiasa - regalitate - ritualuri - antropologie sociala; istorie sociala - gandire maiasa - cultura maiasa; civilizatia maiasa - societate si politica
Topics (en): Maya civilization - culture - history; history - Maya civilization - kingship - rituals - social anthropology; social history - Maya thought - Maya culture; Maya civilization - society and politics
Position: P-COE UDC: 572
Series: Ancient Peoples and Places
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Goldenberg, S.; Belu, S.
Epoca marilor descoperiri geografice / S. Goldenberg, S. Belu
Humanitas, 2002, Bucuresti , (carte) 400 p., ISBN 973-28-0437-8
Topics (ro): descoperiri geografice - istorie - sec. XV-XVI; cosmografie medievala - istorie; calatori - Vasco da Gama - noi imperii - colonizare; descoperirea Americii - Columb, Christofor - civilizatia maya
Topics (en): geographical discoveries - history - 15th-16th century; medieval cosmography - history; travellers - Vasco de Gama - new empires - colonialization; America discovery - Columbus, Christopher, 1446-1506, Italian navigatior in Spanish service - maya civiliza
Position: H.15-GOL UDC: 910(4)(100)(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

7. Guénon, René
Etudes sur l'hindouisme/ René Guénon
Editions Traditionneles, 1989, Paris , (carte) 286p.
Topics (ro): doctrine hinduse; tantrism - magie; yoga - Kundalini-Yoga; dharma; Vede; maya; filosofie indiana
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/E-2 UDC: 294:14(34+540)

8. Janecek, Gerald
The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments, 1900-1930/ Gerald Janecek
Princeton University Press, 1984, Princeton, New Jersey , (carte) xix, 315p., ISBN 0-691-01457-4
Topics (ro): literatura rusa - experimente vizuale avangardiste - 1900/1930; arta avangardista - experiment - Rusia - 1900-1930; grafica avangardista - Rusia; poemul figura ; simbolism; cartea manuscris; Majakovski - avangarda rusa
Topics (en): Russian literature - avant-garde visual experiments - 1900-1930; avant-gardist art - experiment - Russia - 1900-1930; avant-gardist - graphics - Russia; figure poem; symbolism; manuscript book; Mayakovsky - Russian avant-garde
Position: T.3-JAN UDC: 821.161.1:7.036avangarda"1900/1930
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. K. Sundararama Iyer; K.S. Ramaswami Sastri
Aspects of Advaita: I. Brahman and Maya/ by K. Sundararama Iyer; II. Advaita and Modern Thought/ by Dewan Bahadur K.S. Ramaswami Sastri
Sri Vani Vilas Press, s.a., Srirangam , (carte) ix, 263p.
Topics (ro): religie indiana - Vedism - Brahmanism; filosofie indiana - advaita (scoala vedica) - Vedanta - hinduism; sinele - Brahman - maya; advaita - gindirea moderna
Topics (en): Indian religion - Vedaism - Brahmanism ( Brahminism); Indian philosophy - Advaita, Vedantic schools - Vedanta - Hinduism; the self - Brahman - Maya; Advaita ( Vedantic school), hinduism - modern thinking
Position: AS/D-46 UDC: 14(34+540)

10. Mahadevan, T.M.P.
The Philosophy of Advaita: With special refence to Bharatitirtha-Vidyaranya/ by T.M.P. Mahadevan; Foreword by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Ganesh & Co. (Madras) Private Ltd., 1957, Madras , (carte) xix, 300p.
Topics (ro): filosofie indiana - Advaita - Vedanta; religie indiana - Vedism - Brahmanism; cunoastere - yoga; maya; sinele
Topics (en): Indian philosophy - Advaita ( Vedantic school), hinduism - Vedanta; Indian religion - Vedaism - Brahmanism ( Brahminism); knowledge - yoga; Maya; the self
Position: AS/D-45 UDC: 14(34+540)

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