New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 6 (total 6 t: a: ).

1. Bachofen, Johann Jakob [ anticar elvetian, jurist, filolog, antropolog, prof. de drept roman, 1815-1887]
Das Muterrecht. I. Band: [eine Untersuchung über die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiösen und rechtlichen Natur]/Johann Jakob Bachofen; mit Unterstützung von Harald Fuchs, Gustav Meyer und Karl Schefold; herausgegeben von Karl Meuli
Benno Schwabe&Co., 1948, Basel , (carte) 529p.
Topics (ro): antropologie sociala - societati primitive - matriarhat; antropologie juridica; drept natural
Topics (en): social anthropology - primitive societies - matriarchate; legal anthropology; natural law
Position: MT/B-3467 UDC: 572; 291.37

2. Bachofen, Johann Jakob [ anticar elvetian, jurist, filolog, antropolog, prof. de drept roman, 1815-1887]
Das Muterrecht. II. Band/Johann Jakob Bachofen; mit Unterstützung von Harald Fuchs, Gustav Meyer und Karl Schefold; herausgegeben von Karl Meuli
Benno Schwabe&Co, 1948, Basel , (carte) p.535-1177,[IX]
Topics (ro): antropologie juridica; antropologie sociala - societati primitive - matriarhat; drept natural
Topics (en): legal anthropology; social anthropology - primitive societies - matriarchate; natural law
Position: MT/B-3468 UDC: 572; 291.37

3. Bamberger, Joan; Chodorow, Nancy; Collier, Jane Fishburne; Denich, Bette S.; Hoffer, Carol P.; Lamphere, Louise; Leis, Nancy B.; O'Laughlin, Bridget; Ortner, Sherry B.; Paul, Lois; Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist; Sacks, Karen; Sanday, Peggy R.; Stack, Carol
Woman, Culture, and Society / Edited by Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere
Stanford University Press, 1974, Stanford, California , (carte) xii, 352 p., ISBN 0-8047-0851-7 (pbk)
Topics (ro): antropologie - societate - cultura - femei; feminism - structura familiei - personalitate feminina; politica - femei; societate - comunitate urbana - supravietuire - femei - sex, rol; antropologie sociala - societati primitive - matriarhat
Topics (en): anthropology - society - culture - women; feminism - family structure - feminine personality; politics - women; society - urban community - survival - women - sex, role; social anthropology - primitive societies - matriarchate
Position: R-ROS UDC: 396
Series: Anthropology / Women's Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Mendel, Gérard
Quand plus rien ne va de soi: Apprendre à vivre avec l'incertitude/ Gérard Mendel
Editions Robert Laffont, 1979, Paris , (carte) 264p., ISBN 2-221-00241-5
Topics (ro): psihanaliza; paradisul masculin; Gradina Deliciilor - infern; matriarhat; criza generatiilor; autoritate paterna; autoritate materna; sociopsihanaliza; psihanaliza - credinta - stiinta
Topics (en): psycho-analysis; male Paradise; Hortus Deliciarum - hell; matriarchate; crisis of the generations; paternal authority; maternal authority; socio-psycho-analysis; psycho-analysis - belief / faith - science
Position: AS/T-47 UDC: 159.9
Series: Collection Réponses
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Souzenelle, Annick de
Le Féminin de l'être: Pour en finir avec la côte d'Adam / Annick de Souzenelle
Éditions Albin Michel, 1997, Paris , (carte) 344 p., ISBN 2-226-12055-6, ISSN 0755-1835
Topics (ro): Biblia - Geneza - Eva, femeia - feminitate - exegeza biblica; Biblia - Vechiul Testament - femeia - interpretare feminista; religie - matriarhat; Biblia - Noul Testament - prostituata, Maria-Magdalena - exegeza; Fecioara Maria - biserica crestina
Topics (en): Bible, the - Creation, the ( Genesis) - Eve, the woman ( female) - feminity ( femininity, womanhood - exegesis, biblical; Bible, the - Old Testament, the - woman, the - feminist interpretation; religion - matriarchate; Bible, the - New Testament, the - Ma
Position: G.1r0.1-SOU UDC:
Series: Spiritualités vivantes
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Türcke, Christoph
Sexus und Geist: Philosophie im Geschlechterkampf/ Christoph Türcke
zu Klampen Verlag, 2001, Lüneburg , (carte) 256p., ISBN 3-934920-04-7
Topics (ro): filosofie - Türcke, Christoph; filosofie - sex - spirit; mit - logos; matriarhat - patriarhat; feminism - miscari feministe; filosofie si gen
Topics (en): philosophy - Türcke, Christoph; philosophy - sex - spirit; myth - logos; matriarchat - patrarchat; feminsim - feminist movements; philosophy and gender
Position: A.2-TUR UDC: 14*Türcke,Christoph
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC