New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 7 (total 7 t: a: ).

1. Belting, Hans
Face and mask : a double history / Hans Belting; translated by Thomas S. Hansen and Abby J. Hansen
Princeton University Press, 2017, Princeton, Oxford , (carte) 270p., ISBN 978-0-691-16235-5
Topics (ro): expresii faciale; fata in arta; masti; fata - aspecte psihologice; masti - aspecte psihologice
Topics (en): facial expression; face in art; masks; face - psychological aspects; Masks - Psychological aspects
Position: U.02-BELT UDC: 704.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Flower, Harriet I.
Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture / Harriet I. Flower
Clarendon Press, 1996, Oxford - New York , (carte) xviii, 412 p., ISBN 0-18-924024-8
Topics (ro): stiinte sociale - clase sociale - aristocratie - Roma antica; antropologie istorica - masti - Roma antica; istorie antica - rituri funerare si ceremonii - Roma antica; istorie sociala - elite - putere - Roma; cultura romana
Topics (en): social sciences - social class - aristocracy - ancient Rome; historical anthropology - masks - ancient Rome; ancient history - funeral rites and ceremonies - ancient Rome; social history - elites - power - Rome; Roman culture
Position: H.13-FLO UDC: 931(37)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Frontisi-Ducroux, Françoise
Du masuqe au visage: Aspects de l'identité en Grèce ancienne/ Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux
Flammarion, 1995, Paris , (carte) 192p., ISBN 2-08-012629-6
Topics (ro): masca - chip - identitate - Grecia antica; masti grecesti - gorgoneion - mormolukeion - prosopon - prosopeion; chip/ fata - portretul fetei - limbajul fetei - ochiul si fata - expresivitatea; disimulare si machiaj; fata si profil
Topics (en): mask - face - identity - ancient Greece; Greek masks - Gorgoneion - Mormolukeion - Prosopon - Prosopeion; face - portret of the face - language of the face - eye and face - expressivity; dissimulation and making up; face and profile
Position: U.12-FRO UDC: 7.032.6
Series: Idées et Recherches/ coll. dirigée par Yves Bonnefoy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Maertens, Jean-Thierry
Le Masque et le miroir: Essai d'anthropologie des revêtements faciaux / Jean-Thierry Maertens; avec la collaboration de Marguerite Debilde
Aubier Montaigne, 1978, Paris , (carte) 224 p., ISBN 2-7007-0098-8
Topics (ro): psihoza si discurs; antropologie sociala - celalalt (masca); psihologie sociala; masca samanica; antropologie sociala; antropologie - masti, schimbari faciale
Topics (en): psychosis and discourse; social anthropology - the other ( mask); social psychology; shamanic mask; social anthropology; anthropology - masks, facial changes
Position: AS/N-7 UDC: 572:316
Series: Collection Étranges Étrangers
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Nicolau, Irina; Rosu, Georgeta; Molnar, Magdalena
Masti = Masks = Masques / Irina Nicolau, Georgeta Rosu, Magdalena Molnar; cuvint inainte de Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici
Muzeul Taranului Român, 2002, Bucuresti , (carte) 256 p.
Topics (ro): arta populara - România; etnografie - România; masti, calendare, sarbatori - arta populara; obiceiuri populare cu masti - România
Topics (en): -
Position: Vn-NIC UDC: 394.2(498)
Series: Comori de arta din România

6. Schabert, Tilo [Ed.]; Simon, Erika; Ohashi, Ryosuke; Bodei, Remo; Schabert, Ina; Carrasco, David; Juranville, Alain; Barasch, Moshe; Assmann, Jan
Die Sprache der Masken/ herausgegeben von Tilo Schabert
Königshausen & Neumann, 2002, Würzburg , (anuar) 228p., ISBN 3-8260-2250-5
Topics (ro): congresele Eranos - anuar; istoria religiilor - masca - limbajul mastilor; masti de viata si moarte; masca - gen - istorie; masti de cult
Topics (en): Eranos congresses - yearbook; history of religions - mask - language of the masks; masks of life and death; mask - gender - history; cult masks
Position: anuar UDC: 81'33:2
Series: Eranos: Neue Folge; Band 9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Vernant, Jean-Pierre [1914-2007]
Figures, idoles, masques/ Jean-Pierre Vernant
Julliard, 1990, Paris , (carte) 252 p., ISBN 2-260-00711-2
Topics (ro): zei - figuri - mitologia greaca; istoria religiilor - religie greaca; moarte - mitologia greaca; mitologie greaca - idoli - masti; Dionysos; Artemis; Gorgona - masca; simboluri plastice - mitologia greaca; colosul; oglinda - Narcis
Topics (en): gods - figures - Greek mythology; history of religions - Greek religion; death - Greek mythology; Greek mythology - idols - masks; Dionysus; Artemid, goddess in Greek religion; Gorgon - mask; plastic symbols - Greek mythology; colossus, the; mirror - Narc
Position: AS/H-76 UDC: 292.11
Series: Conférences essais et leçons du Collège du France
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC