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1. Aitken, Ellen Bradshaw; Altepeter, Lawrence J.; BeDuhn, Jason David; Boyarin, Daniel; Burr, Elizabeth Geraldine; Burrus, Virginia; Castelli, Elizabeth A.; Doran, Robert; Frankfurter, David; Goehring, James E.; Harrison, Nonna Verna; [...]
Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice / Editor: Richard Valantasis
Princeton University Press, 2000, Princeton and Oxford , (carte) xvi, 512 p., ISBN 0-691-05751-6 (pbk)
Topics (ro): religie - crestinism - iudaism - maniheism - neoplatonism - magie - monahism; religii - istorie - Europa - antichitate tarzie; istoria bisericii primitive - Europa - ca. 30-600; religie - lucrari autobiografie - hagiografie; texte martirologice vechi
Topics (en): religion - Christianity / Christianism - Judaism - Manichaeism - neoplatonism - magic - monasticism; religions - history - Europe - Late Antiquity; history of Early Christian Church - Europe - ca. 30-600; religion - autobiographical works - hagiography; a
Position: G.1r52b-VAL UDC: 281(4)
Series: Princeton Readings in Religions
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Amersfoort, J. van; Bianchi, U.; Broek, R. van den; Colpe, C.; Culianu, I. P.; Dörrie, H.; Drijvers, H. J. W.; Flamant, J.; Fossum, J.; Grant, R. M.; Gruenwald, I.; Guillaumont, A.; Harl, Marguerite; Klijn, A. F. J.; Mahé, J.-P.; Mansfeld, J. [...]
Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions: presented to Gilles Quispel on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday/ edited by R. Van den Broek and M.J. Vermaseren
E.J. Brill, 1981, Leiden , (carte) xiv, 622 p., ISBN 90.04.06376.5
Topics (ro): gnosticism - filosofie greaca; mitologie greaca; religie elenistica; maniheism; polemica anti-gnosticism; ingeri - dualism gnostic; crestinism - erezie
Topics (en): gnosticism - Greek philosophy; Greek mythology; Hellenistic religion; Manichaeism/ Manicheism; anti-Gnosticism polemic; angels - gnostic dualism; Christianity / Christianism - heresy
Position: G.1r52a-BRO UDC: 273.1
Series: Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'Empire Roman; tome 91
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Bancila, Ionut Daniel
Ants, or Moths? Insects not to be found in the Manichaean Kingdom of Light, according to the Parthian Huyadagman I.18/ Ionut Daniel Bancila
Asociatia româna de Istorie a Religiilor; Institutul de Istoria Religiilor, 2009, Bucuresti , (extras) pp. 189-198
Topics (ro): maniheism - imnuri - Huyadagman - Imparatia Luminii
Topics (en): Manichaeism - hymns - Huyadagman - The Kingdom of Light
Position: Vg.2-BAN UDC: 23

4. Bancila, Ionut Daniel
Manichaean entomology and spontaneous generation/ Ionut daniel Bancila
Romanian Association for the History of Religions; Institute for the History of Religions, 2009, Bucharest , (extras) pp. 21-40
Topics (ro): maniheism - Huyadagman - entomologie
Topics (en): Manichaeism - Huyadagman - entomology
Position: Vg.2-BAN UDC: 23

5. Böhlig, Alexander; Markschies, Christoph
Gnosis und Manichäismus / Alexander Böhlig, Christoph Markschies
Walter de Gruyter, 1994, Berlin - New York , (carte) xii, 316 p., ISBN 3-11-014294-5, ISSN 0171-6441
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Noul Testament - erezie, Valentin - gnoza - maniheism - interpretari, exegeza, co
Topics (en): Christian religion - New Testament, the - heresy, Valentine - gnosis - Manichaeism/ Manicheism - interpretations, exegesis, commentaries
Position: G.1r0b.1-BZNW (72) UDC: 225'273
Series: Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche; 7
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Brown, Peter
Augustine of Hippo: A Biography / by Peter Brown
University of California Press, 1984, Berkeley and Los Angeles , (carte) 464 p., ISBN 0-520-01411-1
Topics (ro): Sf. Augustin - biografie; religie - patristica - Sf. Augustin; maniheism - filosofie - Sf. Augustin; filosofie medievala - Sf. Augustin
Topics (en): Augustine, Saint, 354-450 - biography; religion - patristics - Augustine, Saint, 354-450; Manichaeism/ Manicheism - philosophy - Augustine, Saint, 354-450; Medieval philosophy - Augustine, Saint, 354-450
Position: A.2-AUG-Bro UDC: 276*AUGUSTIN, Sf.
Series: History/Biography
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Culianu, Ioan Petru
Gnozele dualiste ale Occidentului / Ioan Petru Culianu; traducere de Thereza Petrescu; cuvânt inainte al autorului; postfata de H.-R. Patapievici
Nemira, 1995, Bucuresti , (carte) 384 p., ISBN 973-569-126-4
Topics (ro): bogomilism; maniheism; religie - gnoza - Culianu, Ioan Petru; gnosticism; catharism lombard; catharism occitan; marcionism; paulicianism; religii dualiste - istorie; erezii si schisme - crestinism; nihilism modern si gnosticism
Topics (en): Bogomilism; Manichaeism/ Manicheism; religion - gnosis - Culianu, Ioan Petru; gnosticism; Lombard catharism; Occitan Catharism; Marcionism; paulicianism; dualistic religions - history; heresies and schisms - Christianity / Christianism; modern nihilism an
Position: G.0-CUL; MT/B-164 UDC: 273(091)
Series: Colectia opere complete / Ioan Petru Culianu
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Di Nola, Alfonso M.
Diavolul: Chipurile, ispravile, istoria Satanei si prezenta sa malefica la toate popoarele din Antichitate pina astazi / Alfonso M. di Nola; traducere de Radu Gâdei
BIC ALL, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 376 p., ISBN 973-571-353-5
Topics (ro): demonologie - religie; diavolul in culturile arhaice; demonologie iraniana - mandeism, maniheism; demoni - mitologie greaca, romana, etrusca; demonologie indiana si tibetana; demonologie crestina; exorcism; demonologie populara
Topics (en): demonology - religion; the Diable in the archaic cultures; Iranian demonology - Mandeaism, Manicheism; demons - Greek, Roman, Etruscan mythology; Indian and Thibetan demonology; Christian demonology; exorcism; popular demonology
Position: G.0-NOL UDC: 235(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Harnack, Adolf von [ teolog luteran, istoric al bisericii, 1851-1930]
Marcion: Das Evangelium vom fremden Gott: Eine Monographie zur geschichte der Grundlegung der Katholischen Kirche/ von Adolf von Harnack
verlag der J. C. Hinrtichs'schen Buchhandlung, 1924, Leipzig , (carte) xv, 455p.
Topics (ro): Marcion - Evanghelia Dumnezeului strain; marcionism; maniheism; crestinism - erezii
Topics (en): Marcion - The Gospel of the Alien God; Marcionism; Manichaeism; Christianity - heresies
Position: MT/B-788 UDC: 232
Series: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; 45. Band

10. Heuser, Manfred; Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim
Studies in Manichaean Literature & Art / by Manfred Heuser and Hans-Joachim Klimkeit
E.J. Brill, 1998, Leiden; Boston; Köln , (carte) xii, 332 p., ISBN 90.04.10716.9, ISSN 0929-2470
Topics (ro): crestinism primitv - Biblia - texte comentate; gnosticism; maniheism - arta - texte maniheiste
Topics (en): -
Position: G.1r52a-HEU UDC: 273manicheism:[82+7]
Series: Nag Hamadi and Manichaean Studies: formerly Nag Hammadi Studies; XLVI
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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