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1. Adamut, Antin I.
Seductia ca spatiu al cenzurii/ Anton I. Adamut
Junimea, 2004, Iasi , (carte) 364p., ISBN 973-37-0992-1
Topics (ro): filosofia greaca antica - seductie - educatie - pederastie; maieutica socratica - paideia - paiderasteia; Anselm - situatia anselmiana - intre Marta si Maria; Sappho
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - seduction - education - paederasty; Socratic maieutic - paideia - paiderasteia; Anselm - Anselmian situation - berween Martha and Mary; Sappho
Position: Va.2-ADA UDC: 1(498)@l9"Adamut, Anton I.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Boehm, Gottfried; Cesare, Donatella di; Domin, Hilde; Figal, Günter; Grondin, Jean; Habermas, Jürgen; Henkel, Arthur; Henrich, Dieter; Jüngel, Eberhard; Kleinschmidt, Sebastian; Marotta, Gerardo; Reale, Giovanni; Riedel, Manfred; Rorty, Richard; [...]
Begegnungen mit Hans-Georg Gadamer / Herausgegeben von Günter Figal
Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co., 2000, Stuttgart , (carte) 176 p., ISBN 3-15-018029-5
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900-2001), despre - Germania; filosofie - maieutica - Gadamer, Hans-Georg - Germania - sec. XX
Topics (en): -
Position: A.2-GAD-Fig UDC: 14*Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Series: Universal-Bibliothek: 18029
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Platon [ Plato, 427-347 B.C.]
Platon-Brevier/ großtenteils in neuen Übersetzungen herausgegeben von Karl Kindt
Karl Rauch verlag, 1939, Leipzig , (carte) 198p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Platon; initierea; educatia; maieutica; cunoasterea; a fi filosof; iubirea intelepciunii; tragedia filosofiei; cetatea ideala; frumusetea vietii
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Plato; initiation; education; maieutics; knowledge; to be a philosopher; love of wisdom; tragedy of philosophy; ideal city; beauty of life
Position: MT/A-2539 UDC: 14*Platon

4. Robin, Léon [filosof francez, 1866-1947]
Platon/ par Léon Robin
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1935, Paris , (carte) viii, 364p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Platon; dialogurile platoniciene - clasificare - analiza; Platon - viata si opera; lume - suflet - divinitate; cosmologie; esenta virtutii; maieutica
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Plato; Platonic dialogues - classification - analysis; Platon - life and work; world - soul - divinity; cosmology; essence of virtue; maieutics
Position: MT/A-2502 UDC: 14*Platon
Series: Les grands philosophes