New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 3 (total 3 t: a: ).

1. Cizek, Alexandru N.
Alexander's Last Days in the Romanian Alexander Romance (Istoria despre Marele Alexandru Imparat) in Relation to Its Middle Geek and Slavonic Antecedents/ A. N. Cizek
s. n., 1977, Groeningen , (extras) pp.55-85; 305-352
Topics (ro): istorie si literatura - Alexandru cel Mare in Evul Mediu; carti populare - Alexandria - versiunea româneasca - sec.XVI-XVII; simpozion - Alexandru cel Mare - Groningen - 1977
Topics (en): history and literature - Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages; folkbooks - Life of Alexander the Great - Romanian version - 16th-17th c.; symposium - Alexander the Great - Groningen - 1977
Position: T.3-CIZ UDC: 821.135.1"15/16":94Alexandru cel Mare

2. Cizek, Alexandru N.
Alexander the Great as God's Champion in the South-East European Folkbooks/ A. N. Cizek
Departement Orientalistiek, 1978, Leuven , (extras) pp.189-211
Topics (ro): carti populare sud-est europene - Alexandru cel Mare; istorie si literatura - Alexandru cel Mare - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): South-East European folkbooks - Alexander the Great; history and literature - Alexander the Great - Middle Ages
Position: T.3-CIZ UDC: 821.135.1"15/16":94Alexandru cel Mare

3. Cizek, Alexandru N.
La rencontre de deux "sages": Salomon le "pacifique" et Alexandre le Grand dans la legende hellenistique et médiévale/ Alexandru Cizek
Diffusion: Les Éditions Jeanne Laffitte, 1982, Marseille , (extras) pp. 75-99
Topics (ro): istorie si literatura - Alexandru cel Mare; legenda elenistica - legenda medievala - Solomon si Alexandru cel Mare
Topics (en): history and literature - Alexander the Great; Hellenistic legend - medieval legend - Solomon and Alexander the Great
Position: T.3-CIZ UDC: 821:94Alexandru cel Mare