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1. *
Renseignement et propagande pendent la guerre froide 1947-1953/ sous la direction de Jean Delmas et Jean Kessler
Editions Complèxe, 1999, Bruxelles , (carte) 320p., ISBN 2-87027-735-0
Topics (ro): razboiul rece - 1947-1953 - propaganda; istorie militara; istorie mondiala - relatii internationale - 1947-1953
Topics (en): cold war, the - 1947-1953 - propaganda; military history; world history - international relations - 1947-1953
Position: H.173-DEL UDC: 237(100)"1947/1953"
Series: Interventions
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Le grand atlas de l'histoire mondiale / préface de Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
Encyclopaedia Universalis et Albin Michel, 1991, [Paris] , (carte) 372 p., ISBN 2-85229-963-1
Topics (ro): istorie - atlas; istorie mondiala - atlas; istorie universala
Topics (en): history - atlas; world history - atlas; world history ( universal history)
Position: H.01-LER UDC: 930.9(084.4)
Series: Encyclopaedia Universalis
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Der kleine Ploetz: Hauptdaten der Weltgeschichte / herausgegeben vom Verlag Ploetz
Verlag Ploetz, 1996, Freiburg - Würzburg , (carte) viii, 424 p., ISBN 3-87640-379-0
Topics (ro): istorie mondiala - cronologie
Topics (en): world history - chronology
Position: H.01-PLO UDC: 930.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Chronik der Weltgeschichte: Der neue Kulturfahrplan. Version 2.0 [CD-ROM]
United Soft Media, 1999, München , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 3-8032-9219-0
Topics (ro): istorie mondiala - cronologie - CD-ROM
Topics (en): world history - chronology - CD-ROM
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 94(091)
Series: Millenium Wissen
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Propyläen Weltgeschichte: Eine Universalgeschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Nachkriegszeit, [CD-ROM] / Herausgegeben von Golo Mann, Alfred Heuß und August Nitschke; mit 2.000 Abbildungen, Landkarten und Faksimiles
Directmedia Publishing GmbH, 2000, Berlin , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 3-89853-114-7
Topics (ro): istorie mondiala - de la inceputuri pina dupa cel de-al doilea razboi mondial - CD-ROM
Topics (en): world history - from the beginnings until after the World War II - CD-ROM
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 94"-/1949"
Series: Digitale Bibliothek; 14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Burbank, Jane; Cooper, Frederick
Empires in the World History: Power and the Politics of Difference/ Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper
Princeton University Press, 2010, Princeton and Oxford , (carte) xiv, 511p., ISBN 978-691-12708-8
Topics (ro): istorie mondiala - putere - diferente - aspecte politice; imperii - state - imaginatie politica; istorie - imperialism - colonizare - colonii; istorie mondiala - politica mondiala - imperii
Topics (en): world history - power - differences - political aspects; empires - states - political imagination; history - imperialism - colonization - colonies; world history - world politics - empires
Position: H.01-BUR UDC: 930.85
Series: History
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Burns, Robert M. [Ed.]
Historiography: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Volume V: Politics/ Edited by Robert M. Burns
Routledge, 2006, London and New York , (carte) viii, 435p., ISBN 0-415-32082-8
Topics (ro): studii istorice - concepte critice - istoriografie; istorie politica; natiune - nationalism - istorie si ideologie; imperialism si postcolonialism; orientalism - lumea a treia; istorie mondiala
Topics (en): historical studies - critical concepts - historiography; political history; nation - nationalism - history and ideology; imperialism and postcolonialism; Orientalism - the third world; world history
Position: H.0-BUR (5) UDC: 930
Series: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Cairns, Trevor
The Twentieth Century/ Trevor Cairns
Lerner Publications Company; in coop. with Cambridge University Press, 1984, Minneapolis; Cambridge , (carte) 166p., ISBN 0-8225-0810-9
Topics (ro): istorie mondiala - secolul XX; civilizatie moderna - sec.XX; razboaiele mondiale; razboiul rece
Topics (en): world history - 20th c.; modern civilization - 20th c.; World Wars, the; Cold War
Position: H.17-CAI UDC: 94(100)"19"
Series: The Cambridge Introduction to History
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Dear, I.C.B.; Foot, M.R.D. [Eds.]
The Oxford Companion to World War II/ General Editor: I.C.B. Dear; Consultant Editor: M.R.D. Foot
Oxford University Press, 2005, Oxford, New York , (anuar) xxiii, 1039p., ISBN 0-19-280666-1
Topics (ro): istorie mondiala - sec.XX - al doilea razboi mondial; al doilea razboi mondial - dictionar
Topics (en): world history - 20th c. - World War II; World War II - dictionary
Position: H.1712-DEA* UDC: 94(100)"1939/1945"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Diodor din Sicilia (Diodorus Siculus), ca. 80-20 a. C.
The Library of History: [in twelve volumes], VoIume I: Books I-II.34/ Diodorus of Sicily; with an English translation by C.H. Oldfather
Harvard University Press, 1998, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (carte) xxvii, 475p., ISBN 0-674-99307-1
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - istoriografie; istorie mondiala - antichitate; istorie antica
Topics (en): Greek literature - historiography; world history - antiquity; ancient history
Position: 0.12-DIODOR (1) UDC: 821.124:930.9
Series: The Loeb Classical Library; 279
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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