Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia
Europa Publications Ltd., 2000, London
, (carte) xiv, 620 p., ISBN 1-85743-091-3, ISSN 1470-5702
Topics (ro): istorie contemporana - enciclopedie; Europa de Est - istorie - enciclopedie; Rusia - istorie - sec. XX; Asia Centrala - istorie - sec. XX - enciclopedie; istorie politica - Europa - sec. XX; stiinte sociale; economie Topics (en): contemporary history - encyclopaedia; East Europe - history - encyclopaedia; Russia - history - 20th century; Central Asia - history - 20th century, the - encyclopaedia; political history - Europe - 20th century; social sciences; economics | | Position: H.17-R.S.W.*
UDC: 940.55(031)
Series: Regional Surveys of the World |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |