Imunitatea sefului de stat in dreptul penal/ Daniel Nitu
Universul Juridic, 2012, Bucuresti
, (carte) 619p., ISBN 978-973-127-854-4
Topics (ro): institutia imunitatii - sef de stat - drept penal; istorie - imunitate - sef de stat - România; drept român - drept comparat - drept international - imunitate prezidentiala; imunitate - sef de stat - instante penale internationale - jurisprudenta Topics (en): immunity institution - head of state - criminal law; history - immunity - head of state - Romania; Romanian law - comparative law - international law - presidential immunity; immunity - head of state - international criminal courts - jurisprudence | | Position: B-NIT (1)
UDC: 342.511.6(498)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |