New Europe College

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1. Egry, Gábor
Etnicitás, identitás, politika: Magyar kisebbségek nacionalizmus és regionalizmus között Romániában és Csehszlovákiában 1918-1944/ Egry Gábor
Napvilág Kiadó, 2015, Budapest , (carte) 556p., ISBN 978-963-338-385-8
Topics (ro): minoritati nationale - maghiari - Transilvania; minoritati nationale - maghiari - Cehoslovacia; istorie - etnicitate - nationalism - maghiari - Europa centrala, 1918-1944
Topics (en): national minorities - Hungarians - Transylvania; national minorities - Hungarians - Czechoslovakia; history - ethnicity - nationalism - Hungarians - Central Europe - 1918-1944
Position: H.1741-EGR UDC: 314(498.4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Weber, Max; Geertz, Clifford; Grosby, Steven; Berghe, Pierre van den; Fishman, Joshua; Barth, Fredrik; Banton, Michael; Bell, Daniel; Smith, Anthony D.; Hutchinson, John; Hobsbawm, Eric; [...]
Ethnicity / Edited by John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith
Oxford University Press, 1996, Oxford; New York , (carte) XII, 5, 448 p., ISBN 0-19-289274-6
Topics (ro): istorie - nationalism - relatii etnice - aspecte politice; istorie - etnicitate; politica - natiune - nationalism - identitate nationala
Topics (en): history - nationalism - ethnic relations - political aspects; history - ethnicity; politics - nation - nationalism - national identity
Position: H.174-HUT UDC: 323.1
Series: Oxford Readers
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC