New Europe College

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1. Beck, Hans-Georg [ed.] [ bizantinolog german 1910-1999]
Byzantinisches Lesebuch /herausgegeben von Hans-Georg Beck
Beck, 1982, München , (carte) 412p., ISBN 3 406 08584 9
Topics (ro): istorie - Bizant; Imperiul Bizantin - istorie; cultura si civilizatie - Imperiul Bizantin
Topics (en): history - Byzantine Empire, the; Byzantine Empire - history; culture and civilization - Byzantine Empire
Position: MT/B-3059 UDC: 94(495.02)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. New Europe College Regional Program; Biliarsky, Ivan; Paun, Radu G.; Garzaniti, Marcello; Bakalova, Elka; Bojovic, Bosko; Guran, Petre; Cristea, Ovidiu; Teoteoi, Tudor; Miladinov, Marina; Iancovescu, Ioana;
Les cultes des saints souverains et des saints guerriers et l'idéologie du pouvoir en Europe Centrale et Orientale/ Volume coordonné par Ivan Biliarsky et Radu G. Paun
New Europe College, 2007, Bucuresti , (carte) 334p., ISBN 978-973-88304-1-7
Topics (ro): cultul sfintilor - ideologia puterii - Europa Centrala - Europa Orientala; Brâncoveanu, Constantin, 1688-1714 - print si martir; sfinti si putere - istorie - Bizant - lumea slava
Topics (en): cult of the saints - power ideology - Central Europe - Eastern Europe; Brancoveanu, Constantin, 1688-1714 - prince and martyr; saints and power - history - Byzantium - Slavic world
Position: NEC UDC: 235.3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. New Europe College; Flusin, Bernard; Nastase, Dumitru; Bojovic, Bosko; Guran, Petre; Nasturel, Petre S.; Cazacu, Matei; Cernovodeanu, Paul; Cantacuzène, Jean-Michel; Cristea, Ovidiu; Paun, Radu; Barbu, Violeta; Muresan, Dan; Pippidi, Andrei; s.a.
L'Empereur hagiographe: Culte des saints et monarchie byzantine et post-byzantine / textes réunis et présentés par Petre Guran; avec la collaboration de Bernard Flusin
Cris, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 376 p., ISBN 973-98624-6-2
Topics (ro): istorie - bizantinism; imparatul bizantin - imagologie; cultul sfintilor - Imperiul Bizantin - ortodoxism - manastiri athonite; isihasm; hagiografie - monarhie; istorie medievala; martiri - relicve - Evul Mediu; miracole; literatura religioasa bizantina
Topics (en): history - Byzantinism; Byzantine emperor, the - imago, science of the; cult of the saints - Byzantine Empire - Orthodoxy - Athonite monasteries/ Athonite cloisters; Hesychasm; hagiography - monarchy; medieval history; martyrs - relics - Middle Ages; mirac
Position: NEC UDC: 281.9"04/14".000.94
Series: RELINK Publication Series
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Pippidi, Andrei
Hommes et idées du Sud-Est européen à l'aube de l'âge moderne/ Andrei Pippidi
Editura Academiei; Editions du CNRS, 1980, Bucuresti; Paris , (carte) xi, 372p., ISBN 2-222-02584-2
Topics (ro): istorie - Bizant - tarile române - sec.XVI-XVIII; Moldova - Tara Româneasca - istorie - sec.XVI-XVIII; fanariotism; Brâncoveanu, Constantin;
Topics (en): -
Position: Vh.40-PIPP UDC: 949.8"15/17"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Procopius [ 497-560]
Procopii Caesariensis: Historia arcana = Procopius din Cesarea: istoria secreta / edidit, dacoromanice vertit, prolegomenis instruxit = editie critica, traducere si introducere de H. Mihaescu
Editio Academiae Reipublicae Socialis Romaniae=Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1972, Bucuresti , (carte) 264p.
Topics (ro): istorie - Bizant; literatura greaca - Procopius
Topics (en): history - Byzantium; Greek literature - Procopius
Position: MT/B-3013 UDC: 821.14:949.502
Series: Scriptores Byzantini; VIII

6. Procopius [497-560]
The Anecdota or Secret History / Procopius; with an English translation by H.B. Dewing
Harvard University Press, 1998, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (carte) XXII, 384p.,, ISBN 0-674-99320-9
Topics (ro): lieratura greaca - Procopius; istorie - Bizant
Topics (en): Greek literature - Procopius; history - Byzantium
Position: 0.12-PRO (6) UDC: 821.14:949.502
Series: Loeb Classical Library; 290
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Wessel, Klaus [ istoric de arta, 1916-1987]
Handbuch der Kulturgeschichte. Zweite Abteilung: Kulturen der Völker: Die Kultur von Byzanz: mit 263 Abbildungen /begründet von Prof. Dr. Heinz Kindermann; von Klaus Wessel
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, 1970, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 526p.: : il., [2]pl., ISBN 3-7997-0050-1
Topics (ro): istorie - Imperiul Bizantin; istorie - Bizant; arta - Imperiul Bizantin
Topics (en): history - Byzantium; history - Byzantine Empire; art - Byzantine Empire
Position: MT/B-2071 UDC: 930.85
Series: Handbuch der Kultugeschichte
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC