New Europe College

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1. Clausberg, Karl; Elberty, Felix
Zwischen den Sternen: Lichtbildarchive: Was Einstein und Uexküll, Benjamin und das Kino der Astronomie des 19. Jahrhunderts verdanken/ Karl Clausberg
Akademie Verlag, 2006, Berlin , (carte) x, 270p., ISBN 3-05-004043-2
Topics (ro): astronomie - sec.XIX; istoria lumii si astrele; Einstein, Albert - cosmologie; arhive fotografice - imagini cosmice
Topics (en): astronomy - 19th c.; world history and stars; Einstein, Albert - cosmology; photograph archive - cosmic images
Position: B.17a-CLA UDC: 52
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Frankopan, Peter
The Silk Roads: a New History of the World / Peter Frankopan
Alfred A. Knopf, 2016, New York , (carte) xix, 645p., ISBN 978-1-101-94632-9
Topics (ro): istoria lumii; istorie - drumul matasii; istorie - drumuri comerciale; istorie - Orient si Occident; istorie - imperialism; istorie - conflicte culturale; istorie - aculturatie
Topics (en): world history; history - Silk Road; history - trade routes; history - East and West; history - Imperialism; history - cultural conflict; history - acculturation
Position: H.01-FRA UDC: 909
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Löwith, Karl (1897-1973)
Weltgeschichte und Heilsgeschehen: Die theologischen Voraussetzungen der Geschichtsphilosophie / Karl Löwith
W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1953, Stuttgart , (carte) 232 p.
Topics (ro): istoria lumii - filosofie; filosofia spiritului; filosofia istoriei; filosofia vietii spirituale - Löwith, Karl (1897-1973) - Germania
Topics (en): world history - philosophy; philosophy of the spirit; philosophy of history; philosophy of spiritual life - Löwith, Karl, 1897-1973 - Germany
Position: AS/R-214 UDC: 130.3
Series: Urban Bücher