New Europe College

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1. *
Languages of the Unsayable: The play of negativity in literature and literary theory/ Edited by Sanford Budick and Wolfgang Iser
Stanford University Press, 1996, Stanford, California , (carte) XXI, 394p., ISBN 0-8047-2483-0
Topics (ro): teoria literaturii - filosofie; negativism - limbaj - literatura; inefabil - limbaj
Topics (en): literary theory - philosophy; negativism - language - literature; ineffable - language
Position: T.2-BUD UDC: 82.08
Series: Irvine Studies in the Humanities
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Arnou, René
Le désir de Dieu dans la philosophie de Plotin/ par René Arnou
Presses de l'Université Grégorienne, 1967, Rome , (carte) 343p.
Topics (ro): frumosul; Unul; intelect; realitate sensibila - realitate inteligibila; suflet - corp; neoplatonism; filosofie antica - sec.III - Plotin; inefabil; binele - raul; etica; misticism; teologie; dorinta - imanenta - transcendenta - Dumnezeu (Theos)
Topics (en): the beautiful; the One; intellect; palpable reality - intelligible reality; soul - body; neo-Platonism; ancient philosophy - 3rd century - Plotinus; ineffable; good, the - evil, the; ethics; mysticism; theology; desire - immanence - transcendence - God (
Position: AS/R-29 UDC: 14(437)Plotin

3. Brun, Jean
La main et l'esprit/ Jean Brun
Sator; Labor et Fides, 1986, Genève , (carte) 211p., ISBN 2-8309-0095-2
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana; mina - sistem - istorie - proiectii; paleontologia miinii; ontologia miinii; soteriologie; atingere; mingiiere; ochiul - mina; inefabil - intangibil; miinile omului - Mina Divina
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy; hand, the - system - history - pojections; paleontology of the hand; ontology of the hand; soteriology; fingering; consolation; eye, the - hand, the; ineffable - intangible; human hands - Divine Hand
Position: AS/R-85 UDC: 14(44)"19"Brun,Jean
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Jankélévitch, Vladimir [ filosof si muzicolog, 1903-1985]
Iertarea/ Vladimir Jankélévitch; Traducere de Laurentiu Zoicas; nota bio-bibliografica de Valeriu Gherghel
Polirom, 1998, Iasi , (carte) 204p., ISBN 973-683-047-0
Topics (ro): filosofia inefabilului; metafizica; etica - clementa - iertare; Jankélévitch, Vladimir; filosofie - Franta - sec.XX
Topics (en): philosophy of the ineffable; metaphysics; ethics - clemency - forgiveness, mercy; Jankélécitch, Vladimir; philosophy - France - 20th century
Position: A.2-JAN UDC: 1(44)19
Series: Plural
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC
Online: link   

5. Jankélévitch, Vladimir [ filosof si muzicolog, 1903-1985]
Le pardon/ Vladimir Jankélévitch
Aubier - Montaigne, 1967, Paris , (carte) 216p.
Topics (ro): etica - clementa - iertare; metafizica; filosofia inefabilului; Jankélévitch, Vladimir - filosofie - Franta - sec.XX
Topics (en): ethics - clemency - forgiveness, mercy; metaphysics; philosophy of the ineffable; Jankélécitch, Vladimir - philosophy - France - 20th c.
Position: MT/A-1951 UDC: 14*Jankélévitch, Vladimir: 17
Series: les Grands problèmes Moraux; 2

6. Kolakowski, Leszek
Religia: Daca nu exista Dumnezeu...; Despre Dumnezeu, Diavol, Pacat si alte necazuri ale asa-numitei filozofii a religiei/ Leszek Kolakowski; traducere de Sorin Marculescu
Humanitas, 1993, Bucuresti , (carte) 256p., ISBN 973-28-0391-6
Topics (ro): crestinism - Dumnezeu; Dumnezeu - rationalism; misticism - Dumnezeu; eros - religie; sacrul - moartea; inefabilul - sacrul; tabu
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - God; God - rationalism; mysticism - God; Eros - religion; sacred, the - death; ineffable - sacred, the; taboo
Position: G.0-KOL UDC: 23/28
Series: Seria Religie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

7. Lubac, Henri de
Sur les chemins de Dieu/ Henri de Lubac
Aubier éditions Montagne, 1956, Paris , (carte) 355p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - teologie dogmatica - Dumnezeu; cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu; inefabil - Dumnezeu;
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-283 UDC: 231

8. O'Meara, Dominic
Plotin. Une introduction aux Ennéades: [Traduction de l'anglais]/ par Dominic O'Meara
Editions Universitaires Friburg; Editions du Cerf, 1992, Fribourg, Suisse; Paris , (carte) ix, 196p., ISBN 2-8271-0589-6
Topics (ro): filosofie antica - sec.III - Plotin; neoplatonism; suflet - corp; realitate sensibila - realitate inteligibila; intelect; Unul; inefabil; frumosul; binele - raul; etica; misticism
Topics (en): ancient philosophy - 3rd century - Plotinus; neo-Platonism; soul - body; palpable reality - intelligible reality; intellect; the One; ineffable; the beautiful; good, the - evil, the; ethics; mysticism
Position: AS/R-28 UDC: 14(437)Plotin
Series: Vestigia: Pensée antique et médiévale: Initiation; 10
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Vlad, Marilena
Dincolo de fiinta: neoplatonismul si aporiile originii inefabile/ Marilena Vlad
Zeta Books, 2011, Bucuresti , (carte) 403p., ISBN 978-973-1997-69-8
Topics (ro): filosofie - neoplatonism - dincolo de fiinta; filosofie greaca antica - neoplatonism - Unul - inefabil; principiu - dincolo de fiinta - Plotin - Porfir - Jamblichos - Proclus - Damascius
Topics (en): philosophy - neo-Platonism - beyond being; ancient Greek philosophy - neo-Platonism - the One - ineffable; principle -beyond being - Plotin - Porphyre - Jamblicus - Proclus - Damascius
Position: A.12/.13-VLA UDC: 14neoplatonism
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC